
Can’t we find the most famous flat earther and send them up in the next space X rocket, let them orbit the planet and then ask them what they actually saw. Of course I’m sure they would just say the entire trip was some kind of special effect.

I don’t see the issue, aren’t they supposed to avoid getting their cyber trucks wet anyway?

What happens if my bitcoins get wet, are they ruined just like my wet magnet?

So if they’re chasing me I just need to go up a slight incline to get away?

He wouldn’t be able to sit there that long listening to them talk about someone else. 

that would be the thinnest material known to man. 

I have to give his arteries credit, they must be made of the strongest material in the universe.

Run by a guy with questionable intelligence. 

I used to think that someone driving an EV was at least on the side of people that give a crap about the planet so they can’t be all that bad.  Now I think most of them are a-holes and it’s just a status symbol for them.

The ones in the Phoenix are were all bought out by another company a few years ago.  It’s basically the same thing as before. 

How is it 2024 and people are still scared of an eclipse.

At this time Roscoe’s family asks for some time to grieve.  Roscoe’s wife, Alexa, is expecting a set of roombas later this month. A Gofundme has been set up to help with childcare and college costs. 

What a freaking snowflake. 

I would be fine with this if they changed the character names and just made it another story in the Crow mythos.

Why are you using a picture of the inside of an unfortunate Taco Bell toilet for this article? I assumed you would have used one of trump and musk.

I love that someone called them CONverse. 

I think that might be word for word what someone said in a Jordan Klepper interview.

Looks like Farscape-1.

Have you tried driving in Phoenix, it’s like mad max out here. 

These cars have logged thousands of miles and had a few incidents. Meanwhile I have seen several people drive like idiots on my way to work this week.  I have close to a hundred rides in a Waymo and I can tell you they are better than most of the drivers out there.