
I don’t particularly care what Trump is suffering from. He’s a convicted felon. That should be enough to keep him from being on any debate stage, nevermind a viable candidate running in the presidential campaign.

Companies should pay their workers a living wage.  Tipping culture is anti-consumer. 

Will an executive be going to jail?  And not a low level one.  Someone at the top.  Until that happens, there’s no justice, and things like this will continue to happen because there’s no punishment for wrong doing.

Weird that they’re getting a reality show, given that they’ve never really been able to engage with reality.

That photo is missing some elephants and a giant turtle 

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

Their first mistake was buying the Cybertruck in the first place. The rest is causality in real time playing out which stems from their first mistake.

I have a Tesla with FSD and my wife has a Lyriq with Supercruise. I trust Supercruise a lot more than FSD. I ALWAYS pay attention behind the wheel of the Tesla, because FSD has done some crazy shit.

That portion of it confused me, as did his claim that if we “make” all the Bitcoin in America we’ll become energy dominant. I need him to show his work here because if all the bitcoin mining is going on here I don’t understand how that makes us energy dominant. This just feels like underpants gnomes planning.

Probably applies to 99.999% of his life.

My hesitancy around buying a Tesla isn’t the retail price - it’s the complete lack of faith in the company that insists they be responsible for 100% of the maintenance and support, and their demonstrated inability to, you know, do that.

Potentially an opportunity for them to bring elements from Shadows of the Empire back into canon?

I’m sure the incel portion of Star Wars and gaming fandom are taking the news they’ll have to play as a GIRL very well. Gotta watch for those cooties.

Shouldn’t public service vehicles have good parts availability and be easy to maintain and fix in case of damage? From what I understand, neither of those is true for the Cybertruck.

Yeah that or maybe the cybertruck is a hilarious heap of hot garbage that deserves to be laughed at every minute of the day and then some.

We’ll never know.

Could be. I’d wager it has more to do with Elon’s career as a carnival-barking huckster foisting poorly-designed death traps on the public as innovation.

Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.

The internet was a mistake.