Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Sad Joe Manchin makes me happy.


Honestly, if the US drones are as crappy as they say, it’s a win-win. Caught on fire in a squad car? I say we propose a bill that mandates at least 5 drones per car!

I recently left Seattle after four tough years. Can confirm I could go days without seeing someone who looked like me, a young Black millennial (unless I was being intentional about how I navigated the city). Couple that with the toxicity of Seattle’s whole “we’re so liberal and diverse and social justice-minded,

*At this point it’s probably obvious that I don’t like this article.*

Heres the resident russian. They had a revolution to get rid of a president that wanted to hand Ukraine over to Russia. That bought them some time as an independent country while the Putin has been throwing a greedy tantrum ever since.

Is that Diamond and Silk’s nephew, B. Dazzle?

I share the sentiment, but upon further reflection, there is most definitely a dollar amount that would get me onto a cruise. I don’t know what that dollar amount would be, but if anyone reading this really wants me on a cruise ship, I’m taking offers.

My mom used to say you should never date a man who spends more time on his hair than you do, which of course is sexist, but then I see Gaetz and I see her reasoning clearly.

I’m getting the distinct impression that they did quit some time ago, rather the Queen is still bellyaching “you can’t quit, you’re fired!”

Is it true that when making pipe bombs you have to make sure you don’t get powder on the threads, so they don’t explode when you screw the cap on?

“The best solution is to change the way people eat, the way they live, the lifestyle, and diet,” Mackey told host Stephen Dubner. “There’s no reason why people shouldn’t be healthy and have a longer health span. A bunch of drugs is not going to solve the problem.”

That is PhD levels of denial. He could give a masterclass in it.

Has anyone ever been wrong by overestimating what guys will do for sex?

Taking the word of a bag lady over a hotel guest?

It was back in the late 1990s. Artists didn’t like it because it was antithetical to the permanence of their art and felt it diluted the investment and meaning of tattoos to the people that wear them.

At least we (Florida) didn’t give the world Mitch McConnel.

Nothing is soft when these kind of velocities are involved.

I was weirded out by them because the ones I’d seen in movies were a completely separate plumbing fixture to the toilet. I was grossed out by the idea of using the toilet, then shimmying over with your pants down to this separate device and then washing your bits over there. 

I can’t really blame her for being vague about it. That whole situation was so skeevy, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was in the headspace of not wanting to talk about or deal with it at this time. That was an incredibly fucked up situation to be in.