Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I dunno. It’s pretty convincing.

If they need security, i know a couple folks

Thank you! I truly appreciate this. I once heard a school teacher (who was American born to Chinese immigrant parents) pronounce it almost the same way that you'd pronounce Ted Nugent's last name and I thought to myself that there's no way that could be correct.  

Professor Eat A Dick, I don’t think the lack of an eight hour waiting period is your problem in this context AND in life.

“No one is perfect. If you dig deep enough, you’ll always find something to be offended over.” -my mom, the so-called liberal, feminist Democrat who never voted Republican her whole life.

America! We’re so great that I’m sick of winning!!!!

What cracks me up about her interference the most is that it’s just chalk! Even if it weren’t his property, it would’ve washed away with 20 seconds of a garden hose. I hope she thinks it's worth it.  

“Meat contamination,” indeed.

However ineffectual the mask may be in filtering air, I know it helps me remember not to touch my face and that we all need to be a little careful right now.

3-They are stupid. Racism has the amazing power to make people lose critical thinking skills and basic logic. Not that many racists had those, but the longer one remains a racist, the more they become unwilling or unable to put it aside.

So pretty much people can wait ages for it to make it though the courts or they can take action and someone can hotwire a bulldozer and ram the fucker until it is gone. I’m starting to see a pattern among local mayors and cities. Plus, there’s always the tears of the inbred following, along with nonsensical gibbering

Napolitano—who has deleted her Facebook page—has also been denounced by the court officer’s union and the court’s Inspector General says that further disciplinary action is being considered.

Why do they ALWAYS cop pleas after the fact? They’ve shown exactly who they are and should just own up to it. They would still be human garbage, but the need to apologize wouldn’t even be a factor.

I can’t believe they allowed Ross to write a column complaining about how a fat girl came onto him.

They lost me completely when they hired that fundamentalist apologist Ross Douthat. Thomas Friedman was bad enough.

You misunderstood the OP’s joke, please re-read.  He/she is right, it’s a pedestrian protection improvement.  If there are no pedestrians because it’s so damned loud, then they’re obviously well protected!

Yeah, I’m going to have to say that, on his own terms, Kernan is simply incorrect. The stock market is doing well not so much because COVID-19 isn’t a crisis (it very much is), but because there’s no other good places for investors to sink their money into at the moment. Interest rates on bonds are near zero, nobody’s

OMG, I wondered what those little loopy things were. Baby hairs? Good lord.