Remember that he might be choosing the next president (hopefully not or on year 8 of the Biden administration).
Remember that he might be choosing the next president (hopefully not or on year 8 of the Biden administration).
I went there in 1968 (is Stinkies still a good place to swim?) and learned not to go walking barefoot during the day b/c some effing bug covers all the streets after sundown; it is so humid that seconds after running your sheets through the dryer they are soggy again.
I gave that number out a thousand times while working the phones for the IRS but I retired a year ago and could not remember that number
Yes! Remember when the Italian s were going to fight racism by running a program featuring monkeys (FFS, monkeys to fight racism). The country foisted the plan off to a marketer who featured monkeys in all his art - they were surprised 1) what’s wrong with Monkeys 2) that a monkey artist would use monkeys, sigh!
Seattle use to have a pornographic cake shop called Marzi-tarts; I love marzipan so much that I would stop in and buy a chunk (they looked at me really strangely). Someone at work bought me one of their cakes for my 40th - the boobs were marzipan and I did not share.
I saw the title and the pic and said “No, no - that’s the lady from “’Person of Interest’” then I started to doubt myself misremembering then I scrolled down - oh, yeah she was in that other TV series. I knew all along it was Taraji but the name Cookie threw me.
Just for once, I wish that when they make another “I am Legend” movie, that they actually use the book. The ‘Legend’ was executed by the night dwellers for his murderous rampage; he was the stuff of legends b/c he killed during the day. A kindly guard gave him pain-killers and poison so that he would not suffer as he…
You can also try the BalDue line which is 8008292323 - I have been retired for a year so the number may have been changed to point elsewhere.
google microwave +highlighter - you get to create a ball of plasma that will make you machine useless but a sight to behold.
OT: I melt glass in my microwave - I have special kiln coated with magnetite that gets the kiln up to 1800 F; but I digress
I use a Presto PowerPop microwave popper; it dry pops so after I transfer the popcorn to a bowl I spritz it with olive oil to snag the additives like salt, ginger, tumeric, or whatever I want to add. The olive oil seems better than butter and is easier to spritz around. The PowerPop is the perfect maker, works in 3…
The only usage concept I have is buying a Costco pack and using it for 3-4 years - don’t know what that breaks down to but it sure saves on worries. I considered myself running low with the start of Covid19. I just had to refill the bathroom TP tower with 3 rolls and I have a 6-pack still sealed; probably I should get…
Someone I know uses some variation of the question as the answer - like “What was the name of your first dog” answ: firstdog; as long as you are consistent on how you parse the question, you will always have the answer built into the question. I usually get the 1st dog I owned mixed up with the 2nd dog - easy to since…
I have to admit that deep inside I am racist.
WOW! Is my face red. I apologize; I was wrong and insulting - sorry. Thank you for posting the link; it was pretty clear and addressed my point very well.
What if it is just him trying to split the Dem vote to give Trump more of a chance?
I remember Hobbs tell Calvin to stop by fall into gravel.
And drove the wrong way up an off-ramp to get at them.
Yeah, I went The Masque too but you did good.