Frozen strawberries float in champagne!
Frozen strawberries float in champagne!
So much confusion and contention could be alleviated just by asking for clarification. People’s names are very important to them; I spent 10 years working phones for the IRS and always asked people how to pronounce their names; quite often, some callers just spelled their name for me and I had to press just a little…
I have also heard it as closer to ‘when’ - I have a set of comics with Billy Nguyen as an anti-hero making time jokes.
The way I heard it pronounced (and there is a 4 issue comic of a post-apocalyptic private eye named Billy Nguyen who has fun with it) ‘when’ with a slight ‘n’ sound at the beginning. I am in Seattle and I checked with a co-worker - she said that I was closer than most. So Billy’s jokes are about time (of course).
I am going to guess that he might not have been able to pronounce he last name very well, either.
I agree and I apologize - I think that I blindly followed ‘the poor’ but that is not an excuse (or even an explanation); I was thoughtless.
I have always said that Obama was just slightly right of center, not really a liberal (admittedly, I have said more towards the end of his terms and certainly after); I say the same about Clinton - they seem so liberal compared to who preceded/followed them only. Clinton was the first real struggle I had, he screwed…
He can’t get his pension - he was fired (if there is a god, please make this true).
Especially Chipotle so she would know for sure she is being poisoned.
Well, I did have a friend who came over to help on a project; I needed a length of 2by cut - he set it up and cut the 2by and his Skihl saw cord. I gave him $10 bucks for it, repaired it and used it for about 10 years before it was stolen out of my shed.
So you think that vacuum bag manufacturers are out to contaminate our homes? Do you have an effing link or did you pull this out of your ass?
I have been told that cutting HEPA vacuum bags to fit those masks with pockets work better than leaving them empty.
Note the caveat ‘in custody’ - why not ban the use in all cases!?
They actually do not need to hot-wire one - all bulldozer have only 6 different keys.
Damn, it almost looks like bologna is having a heart attack in that pic - not that I would wish that, fuck it - yes, I wish that. I watched him (and others) swing those batons like they were enjoying it; especially that fuckwit clubbing the black woman protester.
I didn’t think I had a story until I remember the time a friend and I went AWOL from USMC (we said we were on our way to SanFran, made a wrong turn and ended up in Chicago - damn near the entire route 66) - actually, after we were gone for more than 30 days, were termed deserters. We actually drove the whole way in a…
Every 10 years or so I try to eat bologna and I just can’t.
There are 2 kinds of people in the world - those who divide people into 2 categories and those who don’t.