Grumpy's cat is a goddess

My college cafeteria in Billings MT in 1967 offered yogurt - I tried it ONCE. Now I have a fridge full of Greek Gods black cherry & honey.

Damn it, it is pronounced toosh not tooshay! Just like Douche is not dooshay.

Just in case you did not know: Lord Love-a-duck was a Lord of the Instrumentality of Man in Cordwainer Smith’s Sci-Fi universe - the collected short stories are in The Rediscovery of Man and his novels of The Planet Buyer. They hold up even though written 60 years ago (

I have my meds lined up on a shelf: on the left, my nighttime pills, in the middle, both and on the right my morning meds. I have a couple of those dose cups from cough medicine that I fill with my meds at night. I immediately take the nighttime meds and take the morning meds when I get up. If I look over at the

He did not run a red light; the police claim he ‘rolled’ through a stop sign

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T)I went home with a couple women (while still living in Billings MT) - it turned out that their boyfriends were undercover cops who were really pissed at finding me at the apt - they gave me a ride home and told me that I would be outed as a snitch if 1) I ever even looked at either woman again 2) if I told anyone

Mostly, but the ashtray trick scams customers; at the end of the night, people would just grab their change and leave (at the time, there were no debit/credit cards); since the change was in front of them the whole time, there was no thought of keeping track. This leads to the ashtray trick - the bartender would wipe

I had a ‘right-side’ heart attack whose symptoms are very different. I felt real bad and my entire body hurt so I left the coffee shop and went home. I lay down for a bit but did not feel better so I called 911, the first responders called Medic One who took me to the hospital where a heart surgeon who was on his

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I could not figure out who was who - I see your violence and raise you ‘Bastards”

I alway ask “Is there a test that will disprove your theory?”. If not, crackpot!

This! I got the shingles vaccine b/c I have seen what my mother goes through when she has a shingles outbreak; she finally got the vaccine herself.

OMG, yes! I had pleurisy back in my 30s - I could only stand up for about 15 minutes before the pain knocked me down. I would have to lie motionless for an hour for every 15 minutes I spent on my feet. The pain is so incredibly intense that it is difficult to breath b/c each breath brings on the pain. I would rather

Take your best shot

Take your best shot

I was on the Paris Metro when a man started pulling on my leg shouting “my ticket, my ticket” and the people around me started hitting him while his partner unclipped my fanny pack and they fled. I lost my passport (which was later found in a trashcan). Fortunately, I had a pic of my passport handy and I went in to

I was on the Paris Metro when a man started pulling on my leg shouting “my ticket, my ticket” and the people around me started hitting him while his partner unclipped my fanny pack and they fled. I lost my passport (which was later found in a trashcan). Fortunately, I had a pic of my passport handy and I went in to

That makes me feel better! I like that she showcases the trick I finally learned - brown them first, then steam them. I ruined too many gyozen/potstickers by not getting the liquid correct and burning them or having them fall apart due to oversteaming (+ my lack of focus/ADD).

I am keeping my distance (my sis is in Montana and is, along w/her husband, keeping physically isolated but they have a small mountain as their back yard + a dog while I have a 3rd floor walk-up w/no deck) with my Golden Goddess who just interrupted this post for a 10 minute purr/belly rub fest.