Grumpy's cat is a goddess

It is so good to see a cook cook like I do, mistakes and all. Sohla convinced me I can do this (again, I made the skins from scratch 30 years ago and my ADD addled body could not handle the attention needed) but I will probably pull the skins hiding in the back of the freezer. I especially love the skirt thing - why

My sister and I still commiserate about our knee-jerk response to things mom sort of hard-wired into us. I am 71 and still working on ‘unwiring’.

Yeah, I ran into people like that; without drugs, I get no sleep; sleep deprivation is one of the worst forms of torture. Screw those asshats.


I, too, have struggled with sleeplessness (word flows better than insomnia) - when I was a teenager, I would be sleepless until 3 or 4:00 am. Fortunately, the Canadian radio station CKCK (CK62) played comedy albums from 1 to 3:00am; I lay what little humor I have to 2 years of listening to Shelly Berman, Bob Newhart,

Damfino! If I get a chance I will ask a bartender.

So you can put their bottle back on the shelf; inventory stays correct, matching the till which, of course, does not show the bartender’s take.

So, the bartender marks his bottle with a line where management’s level is then pockets all the money until he hits the line.

There are similar grifts in the bar business: bartenders will bring in their own bottles to use in place of the store’s, there are tricks with ashtrays to scoop up money on the bar, I could go on and on.

I worked at a very upscale restaurant that served a wonderful Caesar Salad in a large wooden bowl, assembled at the table. I was the line chef prepping the ingredients; we had this chopper-machine whose sole purpose was to dice the anchovies (maybe it had other uses but I never saw them). So one day I was running

WTD’s comment went way over my head - WTF was he on about??!!

Your attitude gave us Bush2 and Trump - now you want to give Trump another 4 years.

So it is not just me that has to refresh!? I, too, have my browser (FireFox) loaded with protections; fortunately, I have not had to see the ads of which you complain.

I have rubbing alcohol for cleaning some of the glass I use in various projects - can I add that to refresh the older bottles? That would be more convenient than trying to find any in the store.

Wrong meme - you mean Death, Famine, War, & Conquest - their horses are White, Red, Black, & Pale. Who knows what the difference between pale and white (and why do they think the white horse symbolizes christ - that leaves them 1 horse shy (obligatory reference ‘or 3 horses too many)).

3 angels circling the earth, 7 seals broken (not the mammals), 20 years of anti-christ hell (check - compressed into 4 years) - fuck all, I forget all the shit - oh, a red calf to consecrate the new temple in Jerusalem and on and on.

Well, does almost a hundred billion dollars in special funds sound bunker-level?

I read the story - the first thing I noticed was gefilte fish and that brought to mind the book “New Guinea Tapeworms and Jewish Grandmothers” - before food thermometers, Jewish g’mas tasted the gefilte fish to determine doneness; meanwhile, Great Lakes fishermen would poop over the side of their boats leading to the

I grew up in Montana so if my family went anywhere, it took for-effing-ever; one day we passed a construction site that had a huge concrete cylinder with metal spikes sticking out of it. For whatever reason, it followed us everywhere after that. It did not destroy or run over anything but it could be close or far away

The 2 of you came up with my 2 thoughts!! Tampopo and the Big Night would be a wonderful double-feature.