Grumpy's cat is a goddess

My dishwasher repairman gave me a couple of things to pay attention to:

I used to go roller-skating when I was younger - the price sign said:

I worked in a place that had been designated a emergency site - I stole a box labeled “Civil Defense Emergency Supplies - Drugs and Narcotics removed”. I lost the supplies over the last 40 years but I sometimes dream of what I missed out on.

This might sound silly at first but - rotate your stored water. Life will out which means that something will grow where ever it can. Fungus, mildew, all sorts of stuff will grow - if not in the water, on the container. I’ve had preppers tell me “water does not expire”, don’t believe it.

topologically speaking, they are!

The ‘banker’s hours’ of 10:00am to 4:00pm seems nice but without computers, it took 2 hours to get the bank financials prepared for the day and 2 hours to close (I am a banker’s brat). Dad once had to stay at the for 3 hours to track down $0.07 - there was no mercy pre-computer

But the “rising tide” that lifts all boats only raises the vessels that haven’t been riddled with the holes of racism.

I actually prefer a mix of brown, red, black and wild rice - I know, I live the high life.

Whoever tried to say that is sign language for I Love You is so effing wrong - ASL iloveyou are the letters ‘I’,’L’, and ‘Y’. Looks like little finger & index pointed up with thumb 90 degrees to side.

There was a time I would get off work at 4pm, read until dark, then go sit in the lounge in Pike Place Market drinking a beautiful (Grand Marnier w/Couvasier), in heater and just stare out into Puget Sound. Every damn Friday - it was really, really good!

Nope, you are not there yet - keep trying

Then you should go find that space

You people

An abject lesson to the other half??

Or - “I’m not perfect but I am forgiven” - the Xtian get out trouble card.


There were a lot of hints when the Doctor was on Gallifrey - regenerated Gallifreyans (or however it is spelled) could be all colors and one died a guy and came back as gal. I think I should watch that episode again to see if there are more hints.

Arizona has a storied rancid history of implementing laws-