Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Yeah - I look for a sign that I can read to verify.

I went to my great grandmother’s 100 birthday and parked the wrong way in front of her house (they tricked her into letting her 80 y.o. daughter live with her on the grounds that the daughter had a hear attack and needed help) - I was told in no uncertain terms “we don’t care how you park in the big city but you don’t

Fewer dents /pedantry.

The Credit Union that I belong to offers fee-free use of any ATM (called a cash machine here in Seattle) but I usually get cash back when I buy food,.

WOW, you are your own follower - kind of self-indulgent.

I do not think I have ever read a romance novel (mostly b/c, if I read it, it must not be a romance novel - gawd, anyone familiar with how Sci-Fi handled ‘romance’...just NO) and I loved this article. I followed what links I could (me and twitter do not communicate well) and was fascinated by how it worked its

I graduated 52nd in my high school class

The OED never (except for that idiot editor in the 80s) deletes a word - they just change its designation. I finally bought a full-sized edition since I am an old and could no longer read the condensed version (FFS, 9 pages per page!)

No, change the sim to the one on their phone; I am going to buy a new phone and will have to change to the new sim but I am the actual owner.

I have a different kind of sink hole experience; in N.E. Montana, I was out hunting varmints with a couple farm kids when my left leg dropped into muck - all the way to my hip. One of the kids said “I forgot about that sinkhole - we have been dropping rocks, old tires, all sorts of stuff and it never gets filled up.”

You don’t sem to do much research.

Choice 3 - double down

And Victoria is more pro-monarchy than most Brits.

Hunh? Did he sneak in and steal a chair from the restaurant?

I think Mayo is still ours?!

Today’s 3-fer: tendies, neckbeard, & incelwaffen! What a wonderful day

How do you stop from “absentmindedly eating an entire bag drawer?

Thanks for the laugh!

I use chopsticks as dowels to hold pieces of wood together; I use wooden matches (ignition part removed) stuffed into stripped out screw-holes to reattach other things (a handrail in an old apartment building had stripped out of the marble wall so I stuck some wooden matches in the hole with some glue - it still holds