That is called old age.
That is called old age.
Besides, beef ribs will have much more eye-appeal! Pork is just too grey and when cooked with grey beans....
I imagine city dwellers had a rough time of it; oh, shit - I almost forgot the great plains were also called the Great American Desert. It is a plateau between 5k & 6k feet above sea level (sometimes called high chaparral). I grew up in Plentywood MT. I played golf on a course that had gravel greens b/c there was no…
Damn - there goes another hour down a rabbit hole;
My first thought was - he’s not a general but... a target is a target. I wonder if DJTJ is going to on many more back-country hunts?
Damn! I hate ‘get over it’ - it is too effing belittling, please do not use it.
I effing hope so.
“Plug me back in for science”
Yep, me too.
I am probably a vulgarian but I have a super-popper that I put 1/3 cup popcorn into, put it in the microwave and walk away. I pour some olive oil over the kernels and add salt, pepper, garlic powder, curry et cetera and pig out.
“cutting” - you lost me. When I hear ‘cutting’ I think scars on the arm, what do you mean by cutting?
I dated a woman who only ate living things; this was interesting since she cooked her rice so slowly that it would still sprout when she was done (or so she said - never tested it). It has been a while so I do not remember all that she ate but it was like fruit, celery, and stuff??
Do not forget that denture cleaner works pretty damn well, too. (please lift the seat before using the brush!). Quite often, just using the brush w/o any adulterants works pretty well.
Fortunately, most insurance has an ‘act of war’ clause.
How Sisyphean but will it keep him busy? Why was I born unable to dance? So many people having so much fun.