Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Since the US population was mostly rural, I am not sure that you are correct about water quality - do you have some place I can look to follow up?

They plead not guilty so they can make a pre-trial deal.

I have found that color is as important in coffee as what you use; I can’t stand coffee with milk b/c the color is just wrong!

I drank Marine Corps coffee.

Old Days? I used to buy a case of beer for $5.00 - that is the old days for me.

I first started drinking IPAs back when I was poor and they tasted terrible so I could order and IPA and nurse it for hours - then I discovered that I liked it, then I discovered International Bitterness Units (an EU requirement) and tried an IPA w/IBU of 102! It was like drinking pure lemon juice so I stuck with an

I agree - I drank IPAs for years (actually, I still do but I am cutting down on the IBUs - from 84 to 60 until I find a beer/ale/other that I like), I used to ask the bartender “what’s your bitterest?” I found a really good Mexican beer on tap but it was in Helena, MT and not for export.

If the use of this word in any manner, injured or upset or really hit hard at the emotions of an individual and hurt them, really hurt them inside, I’m heartfully sorry.’’

Thank you for documentation.

I think this change was because of Prohibition - a change in the perception of drinking.

I think one positive outcome from Prohibition was that it moved drinking out of the home - people drank beer for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I believe that there is an axe symbol that is important to the lesbian community, It is a double-bladed axe called a labrys so there might be something that would work on many levels.

There are so many questions; a minor one was finally settled when someone used the adjective ‘kinetic’. I could not understand how they could out someone w/o way more collateral damage - it was not an explosive.

) - there, fixed that missing close.

Could she have meant “peess on the world?”

Hola, Paco, que tal como estas? No Sprechen Espanioli, no hable Francaise.

Yadda yadda yadda - eff off twit.

When I was in college I used to snort black cherry kool-aid, Damn I loved that stuff until I glanced in the mirror on the way out the door and saw this black shit leaking outa my nose - cured me.

The PUMAs were never going to vote for a democrat - they were conservatives masquerading as Hillary supporters.

More ‘both-sides’ crap.  There are no Bernie-Bro equivalents in the Dem race though there are equivalents in Republican circles.