Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I am pretty lucky - at a certain point my nose begins to numb; at the point I finish what I am drinking and start in on non-alcoholic beverages so I am sober by the time I head out the door for home. I got pulled over on T-day after leaving the party and given a field sobriety test - passed with no problems. This has

The power of a triple negative.

Losers think:

I have had ports laid down in 1907 and 1948 (my birth year) - I believe the 1907 was the most exquisite drink I have ever had; it had aged to golden color. The 1948 was very good. Since I did not taste them side by side, I can only go by memory which is very unreliable.

People who live in Europe are able to ask for restrooms, go to restaurants, find addresses and apologize in multiple languages but can not necessarily carry on a conversation in multiple languages. How do you count that? Granted, most Europeans have at least 2 languages that they can converse in but many languages

She was her very own metaphor; she was one of my best friends but she could not see below the surface.

A housemate of mine was juicing come carrots and the juicer stopped; she was perplexed so she opened it which proceeded to spray carrot goop all over the kitchen - a thin band on the near wall that spread out over everything leaving a void that was her.

There’s a difference between getting along in more than one language and knowing more than one language.

I am an old; I have a landline; I do not fucking like Drumpf!

I like those boots.

Projection much?!

And congress mandates routes that work for them.

Personally, I like the crispy crunch of the ‘burnt’ eggs.

Nothing for breakfast, I slept in.

Here is the only way to remove him

You said it better than I was thinking of saying it.

“to dream the impossible dream” - another tilter-at-windmills.

I grew up falling asleep to Johnny Carson - 90 minutes of drone late at night, sigh! I miss the good old days.

D’oh! That makes so much sense it scares me.