Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Projection much?!

And congress mandates routes that work for them.

Personally, I like the crispy crunch of the ‘burnt’ eggs.

Nothing for breakfast, I slept in.

Here is the only way to remove him

You said it better than I was thinking of saying it.

“to dream the impossible dream” - another tilter-at-windmills.

I grew up falling asleep to Johnny Carson - 90 minutes of drone late at night, sigh! I miss the good old days.

D’oh! That makes so much sense it scares me.

I put my utensils in down because they are then drawer-ready - pull out a handful and sort them directly into their slots.

An important note that my repairman told me: do not use powdered dishwasher detergent - when (not if) you use too much, it behaves like a sand blaster, etching your glassware.

I remember my attempt at international/language puns when I called out “garçon” in a Mexican restaurant (in Mexico) and this guy in back threw down his broom and said “my name is Garcia”. Sigh.

The optimist says “this is the best of all possible worlds”

There is a difference between firing someone and not renewing their contract - work it out before you comment.

Tape your hands and wear leather gloves - no point in damaging your hands.

Don’t bother your parents - we’ll do it for you. Since you bring up a coded word for discussion on a site where there is no discussion necessary on how awful the word is, has been, and will probably continue to be. just

Conversely - “look how we take care of our employees, we offer health insurance for a measly $0.42"

My es-s.i.l sent us some hot sauce from the WI mustard museum; it was labeled “you can’t make it too hot for me” and included an eye-dropper. We gave it to a co-worker who put a drop on his tongue - his face turned bright red, sweat popped out all over his face and he fell to his knees. Then said “that was good”

Venti is Italian for 20; “I’ll have a 20" just galls me so I order by oz.