Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Dude, calm down. You are not going to get MRSA at the gym - as long as you keep your fingers out of your mouth and/or eyes. Your skin is what keeps you you and the world not you; your skin is really good at its job (which includes, among other things, maintaining fluid balance, regulating body temperature, and

Yeah! I remember during an immigration rights march, some protesters started changing “USA” and the marchers, stopped and picked up the chant - the protesters were shocked.

being turned into a Picasso

One of things that saved my life is that jello-shots were not invented until I was in my 60s - alcohol going down that sweetly would have killed me when I was 15 (I was a pass-out drunk until I was in my early 20s)

I wonder how many twit-book group photos I appear in and if I get tagged - not enough to go looking but I just wonder.

My ex was a taster for Green G**** - she never could eat canned food after that gig. I was indifferent but now prefer frozen and spurn most canned veggies - the exception being whole beans. She said that you do not even want to know what goes into ‘creamed corn’ (used to be one of my favorites.)

Even randomly reading a phrase after every 3 or 4 pages was still tl:dr. I wonder if mr.Sinister vomited all that in one sit-down or does he have that screed stored to bring out as needed(?)? It certainly sounded like a manifesto.

Please, please find a credit union near you and bid the banks goodbye.

tl:dr - needs paragraph breaks.

I am sorry but I am still aghast over this shoe

Life must be a barrel of laughs for you, not.

A different way to look at this is by percentages: 70% of the calories you take in are used to maintain your current weight while just sitting around breathing, 10% of the calories you take in are used to convert calories to energy, and 20% of the calories you take in covers everything else including just getting

I had to stop - cold turkey - I was doing 2 - 3 containers of dates per week. It began to affect my - um - ‘output’. Now that I have been off them for almost a year, I am going to see if I can just eat a couple a day (maybe stuffing them with cheese (what would be the best cheese?) will help slow down my gluttony).

Another perplexing tale of wonder and intrigue:

I know this is an old but I have to exclaim about those effing repugs using ‘democrat party’ - a basic rule of English is that nouns don’t noun nouns, FFS! The language is just nouns, adjectives and verbs - nouns do not noun nouns, damnit.

The bro-nies would love your details.

No! No! How the fuck would allowing him into a women’s shelter be useful?? You may be semi-competent at google but you are incompetent at understanding how things work.