Grumpy's cat is a goddess

We know where your head is

Not all --- oh, shit - you’re right.

My favorite parking spot is one where I can pull through and end up ‘nose out’ so I don’t have to back out.

Or even legal.

OMG! it looked in the mirror and thought it was looking out a window.

Yes, I have been out of rural Montana for so long that I forget what that life is like. We had to drive to North Dakota for modern things (I lived 14 miles from Canada and 22 from NoDak - Plentywood often called ManySticks). I have been in Seattle for 50 years now (and I am still not considered a native).

Here is a photo of the space frog until you get the UFO files

At least we know where your head is

I used to get mutton from Pike Place Market in Seattle all through the 70s - can’t find it any more. Hell, can’t even get lamb cheeks (to labor intensive). Warning: remove all fat from mutton - I always let it cool in the fridge overnight so I could remove the fat. The fat will coat your mouth and become like

Go to any Halal shop in your neighborhood - there will be no lack of goat.

I agree; people look askance at me when I say Obama was just slightly right of center. That is not a dish - he was at best a centrist dem. We could have used a capital L liberal but what we got was better than the all the other possibilities.

This is the first I saw that vid of 4 white guys talking about the problems of black folk - I was cringing. They were so self-satisfied that they were taking the lead in up-lifting those people.

And what is that hanging from his nose? A really thick nose hair?

Damn - I missed it.

My google-fu is pretty bad but I remember back in the usenet days there was a photo for “Stuff Stuff with Heavy” showing an elephant on a spit that was stuffed with a hippo that was stuffed etc. with the last stuff being a pigeon. So I will have to go with ‘apocryphal’ until I can find it - it was part of a story on

She might have been using a burka for part of the equation.

Yeah, I worked for the IRS in the federal bldg - good luck even thinking that the Feds will allow a package through security.

The depth of humor in that tag-line is awesome: