Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Stealing the references - I always send the anti-LGBT to their own chpt & verse where ‘death to homos’ is #19 in a list of about 35 of reasons to die. Their only response is to ask if I am an atheist.


I wish it was that easy for me; I have plenty to do (even discounting housework) - 2 glass kilns + 3 microwave glass kilns along with a houseful of glass to work with and a great deal of joy working at 1550 F but it does not get me out of bed. I did sign up for a glass-casting class starting in January that I know I

I am failing at getting out of bed. I wake up to the alarm then just go back to sleep. I retired recently and just don’t seem to adjusting well, sigh. If anyone knows how to break this cycle, HELP!

Thank you! I wanted to say roughly the same thing but you said it so much better than I could.

I can only quote Frank Zappa here:

Yes, it is and the golden, dry type is found predominantly in peoples from Asia.

While we were in Mexico, my ex and I drank only bottled water; we were really strict about this but my ex decided she should rinse her grapes before eating them - really, really bad decision. She was on the john for hours.

The earwax is an important way for your body to keep nasty shit out of your ear. It traps insects and detritus and slowly moves it out.

WTF - 8 minutes?? Anything longer that 3 minutes is desecration - hell, my mid-west friends think anything longer than 1 minute is nasty.

I think Drumpf conflated the words in “my pen is larger than yours”.

I believe it also refers to white folks who have African/American ancesters

Don’t forget his desire to be a tampon for Camilla

In Russia, the gas pumps you.

You got nothing.

Pretty Woman

The movie originally ended with her dying but that was too effing hardcore/honest that they changed the ending.

He used a fork to poke some holes in the cantaloupe then served it with spoons so we could eat and drink at the same time. He was very careful to halve the cants longitudinally so that we would each have some of the blossom-end sweetness. I believe he served it with Martini Rouge. If you are greedy, cut the cantaloupe

In Paris I order an Americanne (SP?) - unfortunately, I do not remember the recipe but it is a nice vermouth-type drink. My French grandfather used to serve us cantaloupe halves with vermouth in the seed well.