Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Actually, my ex would light candles while soaking in the bath; the candles were not drip-less - she did this 2 times. Since I did not know the blockage was wax, I tried to clear the blockage with boiling water.

As a clueless (white) guy, this explains a lot. I had a couple of relationships in the 1980s that kept going in weird directions (mostly clueless white guy directions but also some hair related). I so wish we were all able to talk about things comfortably and not rely on assumptions - when I say ‘we’ of course I mean

I had extended wear contacts and would put them in and leave them in for about 30 days. I did it for a couple years. After I took them out and threw them out, I would wear my glasses for a week or to and then stick another pair in for another 30 days. I am just lazy. Currently, I am wearing glasses b/c I can’t find

I have some old contacts around that I can donate (not expired) but what can I do with prescription drugs? I just renewed prescriptions for blood thinners that cost me $1,000 for 3 months w/co-pay but would cost someone $500 per month each with no insurance. $3k in drugs but there is nothing I can do with them but

Here is the scary news: 1 in 6 hospital beds in the US are Catholic; the Catholic church sets up affiliations with other hospitals that require following Catholic policies.

Did you know that many of us who run around barefooted in the night step on things soft and squishy - we hope it is d0g shit not a slug. Seattle is not kind to barefooted night-walking so I stay inside.

All I can think about is marzipan, mmmm! There was an off-color pastry shop call Marzi-tarts that made all sorts of body parts out of marzipan - I would stop by every once in a while and buy a squidge of the stuff (I am drooling now).

I don’t normally deal with commercials much but my cats are crazy for Greenies. When I had an outdoor kitty, the way I got him to come home was to rattle some Greenies in the bag. My current kitty used to wake me up in the middle of the night to get some - I put a stop to that (by hiding under the covers so she

I don’t normally deal with commercials much but my cats are crazy for Greenies. When I had an outdoor kitty, the way

At least she has those 2 furry caterpillars to keep her company but, unbeknownst to her, they will soon become beautiful butterflys and leave her with only the dust-mop on her head as a friend.

The ad vs the owner - the ad brought tears to my eyes; the owner brought up dinner into my mouth - what dichotomy.

Everyone should just quit the banks and go with a credit union; credit unions are the best.

My youthful nightmare was being chased by grizzly bears

Remember “Get Fuzzy”? - he lost one of his canines in a kerfuffle with the ferret next door.

Yeah, that year my bag got opened by security b/c of the cobble and my ex’s got opened b/c of cheese - we stopped at a fromagere to get some really good cheese.

My kitty is a rescue - she had to have all but her vanity teeth (her canines - now isn’t that an odd name for kitty’s teeth) removed due to really, really, bad gingivitis.

I still regret stealing that cobble from the Paris streets! It sits on my bookshelf quietly judging me.

I had a friend who would take acid and do his math homework - he never bothered to check his work before turning it in but when you are a math wiz, there is better living through chemistry.

A neat fun-with-food trick is to take a long needle and poke it into a banana at one of the seams and wiggle it back and forth; do this all along the banana (in secret, of course) then tell your kids you found a new variety of banana that come pre-sliced - peel the banana and let the sections fall into the cereal bowl.