Grumpy's cat is a goddess

For realz! Every 4th of July the fireworks on A-hill near Tucson start a fire fortunately(?WTF) they have at least one fire truck parked at the base of the hill to stop the spread. Anyone familiar with the area should understand the fire risks and be prepared.

I think it may be time to swap out my bottles - haven’t thought of cleaning them so there is probably some accumulation of crud somewhere in/on them.

OT: back when I was a smoker, I smoked Winstons which had a horse-shoe shaped ‘winston’ on each cigarette. when they switched to the straight ‘Winston’ (same as Marlboro) - my brain would say ‘Marlboro’ when I took a puff but then I looked at the ciggie and it said ‘Winston’. I finally adapted to the change but it

I make my own sparkling water using the same 3 plastic bottles for the last 4 years. It is just me - I wish other people would stop using single use plastic bottles (buying a 6 oz bottle of water - WTF???) but I do not proselytize.


An AZ gender reveal party cost $8,000,000 and burned 47,000 acres.

Many thanks to honk3, Jared, & carada for their insightful responses; it seemed to be about consequences both unintended and predicted.

In a different direction, why was PrEP such a controversy in the LGBTQ community? There seemed to be something going on in the background that I am missing.

A couple of other things to look for:

In the 1990s in Tucson AZ, a weekly add in the local underground newspaper would give its address as “2 blocks north of the speed trap on...”.


When I was first in college, I used to snort black cherry cool-aide - I loved that smell so much! Then one day as I was walking out of my dorm room I glanced in the mirror and saw this black crap dripping from my nose - haven’t snorted it since.

There is no destination for evolution, twit. Please do a little research; learn the difference between mechanism and process. Evolution can not be said to have a goal. There are various species that propagate w/o variations - both plant and animal species propagate by cloning so where is the natural selection?

Over 10 years ago I realized I was drinking 2 cases of Talking Rain (NW equivalent of La Croix) per week; this corroded my heart so I bought a 20 lb CO2 tank and started making my own sparkling water. Do not buy a 20 lb CO2 tank; it takes me more that 2 years to go through it and it is bulky and won’t fit under the

Dear internerdj, I wish you had more of a posting history but I do not want to bring an unknown out of the greys.

I popped pop-corn in brown paper bags until I got a super popper. It was cheap, convenient and easy.

There is no need for the escalator hand-rails to be synced directly to the escalator - it would be a waste of materials. The rails only need to travel ‘about’ as fast as the escalator. 

RE: ...And the “precise, surgical manner”

I remember reading about a study a couple years ago where they took 2 rat strains, one engineered to be fat and lazy and the other to be buff and vigorous and swapped fecal matter. The fat and lazy rats became buff with the buff shit and the buff rats became fat and lazy with the lazy shit. It may be a while before