Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I find that I get into patterns of eating b/c it is easy but the pattern changes over significant amounts of time. Lately it is Instant Pot jambalaya - in fact, I am thawing some chicken for tomorrows version. Tonight I will go with pasta w/butter, corn, peas and lots of garlic powder.


And dogs do not try to eat truffles like the pigs do - [censored comment about cops]

Really?? Really!

In Europe, the symbol means “asshole” - BTB, no one surreptitiously makes an ‘ok’ symbol, if they mean it that way it is out front else it is alt-R.

Sometimes the buttons are there but no amount of clicking seems to do anything.

There ain’t no lawn any where near Smith Tower.


Yeah! It is called the wit of the stairs or esprit d’escalier- the French have a phrase for every occasion.

I grew up in Montana; my b.i.l. gave me a .357 mag for Xmas (my street creds) - I was going to give my nephew my Black Hawk, my Winchester (.30-30) and my semi (.22) to pass on to his kids who are still in MT but I think I will keep them handy until we figure out which way this will fall.

I noticed that too - was trying to think of a way to phrase it but you win.

Anything like that in Seattle? I am not a newb but I have not played since late 70s/early 80s and I expect things have changed.

I am going to add fast food employees to my ‘random act of art’ project where I give someone something I made - chosen totally at random (well, at my whim). What I make is small glass objects like bees, lizards, darth vader, troopers, et cetera. I worry about the corporate overlords but like this idea.

Remember why Freud changed his mind about child sex abuse - he found out many of his ‘clients’ were abusing their children so he changed his theory to make the abuse a problem with the child. Could the problem with  getting Congress to pay attention be similar?

Look hitlersnitch - it might be time for you to go away.

My first experience was at the farmette of my ex’s sister near Oshkosh; had to be room temperature and it was wonderful. Noisy, squeaky cheese curds - I loved them but have never thought of eating them when I am not in WI.

No one ever mentions these shoes:

I think you are overstating the drone strike thing since he had to okay each and every strike. Trump just let his generals strike who and where they want.

Take a suggestion:

I think that is it!! I will try it as soon as I find an Instant Pot recipe (I have become lazy and dependent).