Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Earthworms are an invasive species in North America; they are destabilizing the temperate forests by breaking down the forest detritus faster than the local ecosystem was designed for. They can be seen slowly infesting the soil around cities - working outward slowly over the years.

Why do people who get upset cry ‘snow flake’ all the time when getting all pouty about it seems kind of snow flake-y.

Maybe you should have included ‘/s’

Er, she is driving in reverse so I doubt she is in park; I think the ‘mixed message’ works really well.

The first thing I learned to cook was fried egg sandwiches then I graduated to pot roast - potatoes + cheap meat + water; wrap tightly and cook all day at 175 F

I don’t know if this counts but reading a book “Reinhart’s Women” woke me up because the guy got up and made an omelette! Up to that point I did not imagine I could cook something other than a pot roast (Montana boy - meat and potatoes, what else is there?). I know it does not sound like much but just the description

Years ago 60 Minutes ran an episode complaining that 60 minutes AUS was using their name w/o permission - I can’t remember why they were unable to put a stop to it but there is no relationship.

My brother was raised on a leash because he could climb a fence and disappear in under 2 minutes. He was very active and always looking for something new and interesting. Often he would take me along so when mom put him on a leash and attached him to the clothes-line - when we finally figured out how to unclip him, we

I went top the opera with a friend who wore a bee costume - I wore a suit and envied him.

When I worked tech support for a giant coffee corporation, I would get calls about not being able to change the time from 3:00pm - I suggested they take the protective layer off the screen.

How come no one seems to study the affects of carbonation? I drink more than a liter of sparkling water per day and sometimes wonder how that affects me (I bought a CO2 tank and make my own so I do not contribute much to plastic litter). In my youth, I use to drink 102 ounces of Coke per day back when they first

I thought so too, until I noticed that his chin was square (ref: odd difference in how male vs female chins form) - then I noticed his ‘apple’.

Yes! When I smell that first hit when someone lights up, I am transported to my 5 year old self, huddling in the hopper of a combine with my brother and lighting up a cigarette. This was in 195? If you bought your ciggies from a machine for US$0.30, you got 2 pennies sealed in your pack as change.

Wasn’t Walnuts a name for McCain? We used it anyway; something about his cheeks.

When I lived in Tucson, I learned that swamp coolers can only lower the temp by 20 F so when it was 113F outside, we could get down to 93 inside - we lived in front of huge fans.

Now playing

You understand that there is a disgusting other definition for brown noise? It is the theoretical sound that will cause all humans that hear it to empty their bowels explosively.

Swamp coolers - that is how we survived Tucson during ‘the dry heat’ but when the 3:30 rainstorms started we had 113 F temps with 100% humidity - there was nothing to help.

Now playing

Isaac Asimov gave up on arguing over the bible since it is internally contradictory so you can support any position with carefully chosen quotes.

I had to delete the adjective myself b/c, for some reason, nightshade is almost always prefaced by ‘deadly’. Try it; say ‘nightshade’ a couple times w/o the adjective.

There are 3 stages to learning to play chess: