The trick to eating durian is not to inhale until you swallowed and gargled; I want a durian shell but can’t justify the decontamination process.
My favorite spice is rot-gut tequila - the cheapest you can find; there is no way to duplicate that pepper burn. Don’t need much but (as I learned the hard way) warn people that it contains alcohol or you will get yelled at by AA-type folks who believe that even a hidden taste of alcohol will kick them off the wagon.
I live in Seattle where weird stuff runs through your head when you step in something outside - “please let it be dog-shit”. Imagine if slugs got into your home and stood your Roomba to one-on-one combat! I would prefer dog poo.
Sometimes I have to be told who she is b/c she is so into her roles.
I just threw up in my mouth; please, not even in jest!!!
It was the result of many things including the physiology of her eyes in particular - she did complain about eye irritation but just assumed that she blinked the contacts out. The article is here if you haven’t already googled it:
Good list but google 27 contacts in eye to find the woman kept losing contacts in her eyes.
Freedom Ranch outside of Roundup, MT - the town of my birth; I would like to think I would not be one of them if my father survived and i grew up on a ranch in the area. Nature/nurture still confuses me.
In Florida, CVS was busted for having a special program that increased the price of drugs if the person was not insured. It was in the ‘90s and the news was only reported on the east coast. I try to avoid them if at all possible; do not shop there but CVS is my provider through GEHA.
The diner where I grew up (rural Montana so, yes, THE diner) made the mistake of having 2 sizes of straws - one for milkshakes and one for sodas. If you stick one straw into the other and blow, the smaller straw will travel remarkably far. I show that trick whenever I can.
Part 2 of that punishment in desert countries is you only have your left hand....
When I was young and stupid, I stole a complete place setting from a Sambos - not all at the same time bu over a couple months. IIRC it included napkin holder, catchup, mustard, vinegar, the little clippy menu holder and a complete menu, placemat, flatware, salt, pepper - I don’t remember the rest. I took them all…
I see that she caught you in her game - it’s pretty funny to think you could be such tool.
Unfortunately, yes it does - it is a terrible state of affairs when a wildly sarcastic response is indistinguishable from RWNJ response.
Shouldn’t there be a ‘/s’ at the end of your post?
I wonder if this doll is part of why the company is out of business (the doll appears to be part of odd-lot purchase).
You do not need the staples - just buy loose popcorn, put it in a paper bag, and nuke it. I add a little olive oil mixed with spices and salt.
You do not need the staples - just buy loose popcorn, put it in a paper bag, and nuke it. I add a little olive oil mixed with spices and salt.