Was that after the romantic stroll in the dark when she didn’t know you were there?
Was that after the romantic stroll in the dark when she didn’t know you were there?
Yes, sometimes I resort to asking for curried noodles to get close to the SN that I love.
I have found that Singapore noodles can be ordered in most Chinese restaurants even if it is not on the menu. It is can be found in the ‘Chinese only’ menu or just requested. One time in Vancouver, BC they served my friends first and it took them another 20 minutes to deliver my noodles (my friends were pissed, but I…
I once had a lamb shank in a nice restaurant - it was wonderful; but I was not very hungry so I asked for a take home container. When I was paying the bill, I asked about the leftovers and was told it went into some kitchen person’s doggie bag. I was stunned because there was more than half left over. I did not kick…
Ah, I see where we disagree.
People will want to smoke because they are influenced by the people around them and who influence them. No one says I am going to go pick that plant, dry it, chop it, roll it in some paper, and smoke it on a whim.
Parents do not have as much influence over their children as ‘influencers’ do - this has always been true, long before living the digital life. Movies and the people around you had more influence on behavior than any lectures from parents.
I remember when it was considered rude to not let people smoke in your home - almost all homes (even those of non-smokers) had ashtrays. Movie theaters and airplanes had ashtrays built into the arm-wrests (in 1967 in a Plentywood MT movie theater I was smoking pot and someone shouted “hey, who’s burning leaves?”). In…
My kitty (the Golden Goddess) had both inner and outer ear infections that required surgery to clear up. She does not have seizures but she will begin to shake when she looks at me. It is so scary to see. I am sorry to have to say this (not to denigrate your kitty in any way) but she is the beautifulest kitty in the…
Summer heat is seriously killing me - and yet i still boil me some corn on the cob. It is not even the least bit fair that cotc is only available during the hottest time of the year. I am going to start boiling now and hide in my bedroom with the A/C. My ex explained how to cook perfect cotc - throw into boiling water…
Um, when I was growing up in Montana we used to play war with fireworks. Seriously. We would fire bottle rockets at each other and occasionally bring out the big guns - Roman Candles; it was, like, smoulder, smoulder fire off a ball of flaming (something?); then more smoulder and another fireball. I think there were 5…
Definitely an ‘or’ - it was an ad from a pretty small town (my favorite joke from the 60s/70s was: “I met the entire population of Sapington, MT but I forget her name”). IIRC, Sapington was just a post office and she was the post-mistress. but I digress - the ad was in the Billings Gazette classified section.
I melt glass in one of my microwave ovens (using a special kiln). Essentially nuke it for 6:66 to warm up the kiln then another 6:66 to melt the glass. There are other tricks but this is the one that allows me to cast 7 objects in an evening rather than using a ‘real’ kiln that takes 4+ hours to ramp up, drop below…
Some of my glass-working friends use old sink grinders to make frit (glass chipped small). Watching/listening to them do this discourages worry about my sink grinder.
I sleep on my stomach with one knee lifted to 90 deg from body; this kind of puts me into side-sleeping stomach sleeper. One advantage is that I do not have to have my toes hanging over the edge of the bed (and it makes comfortable spot for my cat to sleep - draped over my bent knee).
Do not forget vitamin B deficiency! I spent a summer eating hamburgers and ended up waking up with my arms numb from elbow down. A co-worker complained of numbness and worried about MS - we suggested he eat some leafy greens first; cleared it right up.
Back in the early ‘70s there was an ad for a rural police man that read, in part, ‘must be over 6' or have college degree’. I snickered back then - no more.
Actually, I think that college-age adults seem to suffer from B-12 deficiency b/c all hamburgers all the time is nutritionally unsound. One co-worker thought he was getting Parkinsons due to neurological issues - all he had to do was put lettuce and tomatoes on his burger and it went away.