Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I really couldn’t watch the show after about the 1st season; I can not imagine a group of people forming around him as the center - and, TBH, the constant one-liners. Every single thing anyone said had to generate a laugh. In my 70 years I have moved through a lot of circles: some based on acid consumption, some on

I use my metal tongs to transport chunks of glass from the kiln to a bowl of water so that heat shock will reduce it to fragments that I can use (ie. making frit) but my 3 silicone coated tongs make me king(ish) of my kitchen (the French did not like the idea of having a king in the kitchen so they stole the native

The auditing is for people who claim the EITC - we can’t let those poor folk get away with anything. We do not have the staff to go after the big money scams.

For a while we were forced to use those windowed envelopes to sent out mail that was not addressed in the letter. It was tacky and very disheartening. I bring in my own notebooks to use for writing notes during phone calls.

There are items that do not need refrigeration because they are make with ingredients that do not need refrigeration. Do not refrigerate vinegar. Things made with vinegar generally to not need refrigeration (catsup, mustard - mustard itself prevents lifeforms living on it). My ex and I have never refrigerated catsup

Oh, gawd yes! A friend of mine’s wife threw his lunch pain into the sink to soak causing about a 1000 hits of acid form one large lump. After he rescued the tabs that were whole, he traded me  the pieces for my stash of 90 blue bombers (Valium 10s) - gotta watch out when you don’t have a clue how much acid you’re

Hmm, I have been trying to find someway to get in on the micro-dosing thing - I am too old to re-live the 1970s when I - well, er.... I lost most of the 70s on acid, shrooms, MDMA, and what ever psychedelic I could get my hands on. I think the last time I did acid was at a ‘summer of our discontent’ party in the

The story behind that glyph is his battle with his record company over his name “Prince”, they actually thought they owned his name and would not let him use it w/o their approval - which included not going to a different record company.

For the olds: Soupy Sales

I just googled ‘terf’ - FWT!! That is some scary crap


On using porta-potties: I discovered that the long lines for the P-Ps end about 1/3 of the way along the lines of porta-potties; if you work your way to the center, there are only 2 or 3 people in line. I think most people just take the first line that seems shorter.

I remember that! The movie caused some folks to become vigilantes - going out and killing every shark they saw. It was a time of histeria (ie. mostly guys with guns).

My childhood nightmare was being chased by grizzly bears

This! My eyes are leaking.

But I like whining (stretch those syllables out and push them up through your nose) /s Maybe I should just slip back into the hedge

I think the actress = prostitute meme has been around for a long time - During Shakespeare’s time and before that.

Have you looked at the ingredients list for chorizo in the processed meats section of most stores. The first time I bought some it was chewy/unchewable so I looked at the ingredients list - pituitary gland, and other ‘interesting’ parts of pigs. I embarrass myself whenever I am about to order chorizo at a restaurant -

I never shut mine down either b/c I have a bunch of BOINC apps running and I like to contribute.