Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Go to; he has a shiite-load of tools for recovery.

But in your scenario, he still gets to drag the country to the bottom. Anti labor, poor, women - while being pro ---- ahhh, crap I just don’t want to enumerate all the shiite his pro.

I remember when Bush2 went around telling everyone he spoke Spanish - he spoke it just well enough to get by in a Taco Time (on good days, a Taco Bell). I would like to hear from someone who had a nice, long conversation with Melania in one of those languages.

PS - 668 is the neighbor; 667 is across the street.

During my graduation ceremony, some dickwad said “you will look back at your high school years as the best years of your life” - I wanted to cut my throat but I guess some people actually do/did.

Being an old is not a guarantee of conservativity (heh,heh) - I am a capital L Liberal and have been disappointed in the Democrats that we have elected but none of the Dems would have fucked up the world as badly as the Republicans - Bush is responsible for the entire Middle East mess going on right now; Trump is

Darn! I turned mine back on and there it was!!

On again, off again. I have been single for about 7 years and am (mostly) happy. I do what I want, I wake up at 4:00 in the morning and work on a project (check out ‘first sleep, second sleep’) then go back to bed. This will be even better when I fully retire - I am supposed to be semi-retired but my seasonal job has

Even into the ‘60s, chicken was a Sunday meal. In the ‘70s I could ask any restaurant for chicken gizzards and get a bag-full for free. In the ‘80s 4-legged chickens showed up in grocery stores. In the ‘90s you could buy your favorite chicken part without all the other pieces.

Some friends of mine have a farmette where they raise all sorts of fowl and goats. All the secondary cocks are named Steve and head off to freezer camp when large enough.

I am going to run down to my local Halal butcher and buy some goat for stew - I keep forgetting....

Now playing

There is a band who was too poor to make a music video so they performed in public and use the CCTV to make the video:

An FBI background checker stopped by to ask about someone - I did not recognize the name so she said he lived upstairs - my response “Oh, you mean the Nazi upstairs?!” Not sure if I was a good character witness.

Damn, I love this word.

I hope he beats the world record for hiccups.

I would give you a thousand stars if I could - some people do not understand consequences very well.

Are you evoking some Faux Snews? You seem to be laying it on thick enough that some might eventually catch on.

Trump’s tiny hands has trunp’s tiny brain. Just go away.

Kavanaugh is the culmination of 40 years of preparation for this moment - there is no one else that they can fully trust to keep his commitment to the right cause.