I had a minor stalker who was a house-mate and her room was right across from me on the upper floor. She showed up a lot of places where I hung out and kept talking about how we were meant to be.
I had a minor stalker who was a house-mate and her room was right across from me on the upper floor. She showed up a lot of places where I hung out and kept talking about how we were meant to be.
One of my saving hints was to figure out how much I need to have invested to generate enough income to pay for the item - figure $11 invested to generate $1 income.
I wear only Duluth t-shirts with the 3 extra inches to prevent plumber’s butt (they sometimes sell them in buckets titles ‘crack spackle’.
Yes! I have loads of small notebooks to keep track of ‘stuff’ but I never actually look at the notebooks until I think to write something. Keeping lists does no good for me since I never read them, sigh.,
With the Trump/Republican changes coming up, have fiduciary responsibility written into the contract.
Making decisions with a few alternatives is easier that making decisions with a hundred alternative - just go look for pasta sauce in an upscale store, you will have 30 or 40 possibilities within each of 10 categories. If you can even make such a decision, you will always 2nd guess yourself.
I have the same problems; I am only now realizing that I grew up poor (well, admitting it). I won’t go into details but I have a famine personality where I hide things I am afraid of running out of - cut my pills in half and reorder while I have enough to put aside; yes, I am a hoarder. The first time I had a 401k to…
ING was also paying $25.00 for your first 10 referrals so someone paid me $20 each for my 10 referrals (the money making part was that ING would give you $200 to open an account so I made $400 when I had my paycheck direct deposited).
In 1984, my variable CD was paying 12-15%; it was how I could afford to take a vacation in Australia. Every time I had $25, I deposited it. Guess what?! It was a Savings and Loan - they were still carrying home loans at 3% and needed to get money fast. I got out before the S&L crash at the end of the 80s.
I recommend using a credit union rather than a bank; I have accounts in 2; one of which offers 5% on the first $500 so I keep the savings account at $500 and the rest in checking for my emergency fund.
Dollar-cost averaging - just keep investing through the ups and downs.
And those toads are already planning on cutting social services to make up for the hole in the budget created by the tax cuts.
Careful about owing more than $1,000 on April 15th - the IRS can decide that you need to make quarterly tax payments and charge you a ‘failure to pay Estimated Tax Penalty’ - kind of like kicking you when you are not looking. I work for the IRS answering the phones, helping as much as I can but...
I traveled to Paris and London using ‘open jaws’ tickets where I flew into Paris visited family; went to London and flew home. Flying in and out of the same airport seems like a waste unless you will be staying in that area and won’t have to backtrack. I assume you are talking about using the one-way tickets like this?
I am not sure why you call long term care as a form of robbery - living is never free and LTC is expensive so plan for it.
I do not know what betterment is but I know that Vanguard has one of the lowest fee schedules around - maybe you could open a small account with them that follows the S&P then you can see how things go from there.
I filed when I turned 66 (I was hoping to put it off until I was 70 but since I am a seasonal employee, I needed it - you can collect SS & unemployment at the same time) and have had a a couple of increases due to some zero or near-zero income years - I was a free-spirited hippy for most of the 1970s and some of 80s.
In climbing and caving circles, the motto is ‘cotton will kill you’.
Gawd, even back in the early 60s those twits would stop for animals on a 2 lane road with no shoulder
I grew up in Livingston MT. and our biggest complaint in the summer was ‘Aw, mom - Yellowstone Park again!?’ We used to hot-pot (jumping into the cooler part of the hot springs) until after that damned earthquake changed all mapped safety spots. We were getting ready for our first evening when they brought in the body…