Grumpy's cat is a goddess


On using porta-potties: I discovered that the long lines for the P-Ps end about 1/3 of the way along the lines of porta-potties; if you work your way to the center, there are only 2 or 3 people in line. I think most people just take the first line that seems shorter.

I remember that! The movie caused some folks to become vigilantes - going out and killing every shark they saw. It was a time of histeria (ie. mostly guys with guns).

My childhood nightmare was being chased by grizzly bears

This! My eyes are leaking.

But I like whining (stretch those syllables out and push them up through your nose) /s Maybe I should just slip back into the hedge

I think the actress = prostitute meme has been around for a long time - During Shakespeare’s time and before that.

Have you looked at the ingredients list for chorizo in the processed meats section of most stores. The first time I bought some it was chewy/unchewable so I looked at the ingredients list - pituitary gland, and other ‘interesting’ parts of pigs. I embarrass myself whenever I am about to order chorizo at a restaurant -

I never shut mine down either b/c I have a bunch of BOINC apps running and I like to contribute.

Go to; he has a shiite-load of tools for recovery.

But in your scenario, he still gets to drag the country to the bottom. Anti labor, poor, women - while being pro ---- ahhh, crap I just don’t want to enumerate all the shiite his pro.

I remember when Bush2 went around telling everyone he spoke Spanish - he spoke it just well enough to get by in a Taco Time (on good days, a Taco Bell). I would like to hear from someone who had a nice, long conversation with Melania in one of those languages.

PS - 668 is the neighbor; 667 is across the street.

During my graduation ceremony, some dickwad said “you will look back at your high school years as the best years of your life” - I wanted to cut my throat but I guess some people actually do/did.

Being an old is not a guarantee of conservativity (heh,heh) - I am a capital L Liberal and have been disappointed in the Democrats that we have elected but none of the Dems would have fucked up the world as badly as the Republicans - Bush is responsible for the entire Middle East mess going on right now; Trump is

Darn! I turned mine back on and there it was!!

On again, off again. I have been single for about 7 years and am (mostly) happy. I do what I want, I wake up at 4:00 in the morning and work on a project (check out ‘first sleep, second sleep’) then go back to bed. This will be even better when I fully retire - I am supposed to be semi-retired but my seasonal job has

Even into the ‘60s, chicken was a Sunday meal. In the ‘70s I could ask any restaurant for chicken gizzards and get a bag-full for free. In the ‘80s 4-legged chickens showed up in grocery stores. In the ‘90s you could buy your favorite chicken part without all the other pieces.

Some friends of mine have a farmette where they raise all sorts of fowl and goats. All the secondary cocks are named Steve and head off to freezer camp when large enough.