Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Keep one of those old brick telephones around (if you still have a landline) because those old phones work even when the electricity is out. The phone lines are good as long as the lines are up.

I think bartenders call that muddling.

WOW I am still here and it is 3 years later (I am 34th on the recall list now)

It seems you are not yet at the bottom since you seem able to watch Henri - just wait until that is too much effort :-)

Ketsup is the 'foreign' spelling of an imported suace as in Ketsup Pinoy Hot Sauce.

I think I do.

OMG! I suddenly want to wear Calvin Klein.

McDonalds sends inspectors to go through the dumpster because there is an expected amount of 'spoilage' and if enough stuff is not thrown away - they are selling 'old' food.

Haters just gotta hate :)

SWOON - someone else remembers "Terrorist Fist Bump" - I fist bump my grand nephew and say "terrorist fist bump, kid". He just giggles and fist bumps (he is only 3) but everyone else is thinking "WTF?" - I don't bother to explain, I just do it over and over again.

I am sure you would have been accused of wokking the cat - good call on getting the fuck out of there.

MargaretteThatcher's UK did the same thing 25 years ago with their school system food service - lowest bidders fed the children all the stuff could not be legally sold.

Awww the cute little neckbeard is trying to troll - so droll

I never heard the show; have no desire to hear the show; I did read his tweets - the show may not be about racism but he is. So, if that creepy mysogyny and blatant racism is what is in his head, then of course his bosses fired him.

Interesting! So is there something about their show that negates the whole racist rant? Who would want to listen to a show that has such an underlying racist tone?

Hell, here in the US they don't necessarily provide the workers with toilets.

My grandfather served cantaloupe halves with a nice, sweet red vermouth in it as a digestif - did I mention my gf was French?

When I was growing up I was warned to eat only the red portion and not the white - I think it was to keep kids from peeing in bed. Something about it being diuretic or something; maybe just an old wife's tale since this was in the 1950s

The year following the requirement for dependents to have SS#s, the US lost over 200,000 kids. The requirement is/was not pointless.