FireSign Theater used the phrase "god bless Vespucciland"
FireSign Theater used the phrase "god bless Vespucciland"
Interesting - at first I thought it was the same as the Schick electroshock therapy; I went to Schick to stop smoking - it worked but I am thinking that it was more of a 'this is a point in time in which I will quit' rather the negative operant conditioning. This thing affects the vagus nerve - both vagus nerves; that…
Heh! Given the choice between taking control of a situation that is on the cusp of going right or wrong - I will take breathing deeply to get it going right than worrying about what I am breathing. Breath deeply, relax and let your arms hang loosely from your shoulders, bend your knees slightly and get a '1000 yard…
I used to buy chorizo all the time but it seemed awfully 'chewy' so I read the ingredients list. Pork salivary glands, lymph nodes and fat (cheeks) - now I read the damned labels (not that I have anything against glands and nodes).
When I went in for my license plate, they were going to give me 623 WPL and I specifically asked to change it to 666 WPL (Mr. Whipple is the beast?) - the trainee clerk wasn't going to but the supervisor came over and said "do it - most people will bring that plate back". I still have the plates on my car.
It is probably because he wants to put his book out there some more;
Hasn't he run out of co-stars to marry?
Kitties, kitties, kitties kitties. Kitties, kitties,kitties (hear the puppy channel theme here).
I answer phones for a living; I was speaking with a woman who lived in a trailer - she said she was in her underwear with her feet in a bucket because her air-conditioner was broken; her neighbor had 'niggar-rigged' it. I was so stunned I did not hear what else she said. I had only heard that term once before and did…
Reallynow? you are replying to yourself? Someone vaccinated with dead virus does not beome a carrier. Can you possibly explain how someone who has been vaccinated with dead virii could become a carrier? What exactly do they become a carrier of?
I was going to when I first posted but got distracted - it is a PubMed (heh, yes I do PubMed!) article, here is a link to the abstract
IIRC, it is a piezoelectric effect that produces (mumble,mumble - I forget the details) that causes the bones to strengthen. Astronauts who spent too much time in space began to suffer from a form osteoporosis . I think they were working on reproducing the field created by the piezoelectric effect artificially to…
I can't take my eyes off those lips - OMG, all fading to white but the lips won't go away.
This was my first reaction too - +1000 stars.
When I was a rental bartender in 1980, the big, big seller was called a "beautiful" - Courvoisier and Grand Marnier. That entire decade my drink was "a Beautiful in a heater".
And it is midnight all day now - that would be sooo weirdly cool - and those auroras are absolutely beautiful. Growing up in norther Montana we sometimes would see ribbons of color fluttering across the sky. Iceland would be like right inside of them.
I have multiple problems -GroupThink is one of them, I end up staying up til all hours reading and replying. Being unemployed and bored to tears adds to it all.
Ritalin helps you sit through an entire movie?!?! I want some of that; the only way I can sit through a movie is to actually go to a theater. Now I can sit for hours playing first-person-shooters, but I can't watch an entire hour program - I end of wandering around in the kitchen or something and miss the important…
You pharmacy/state is special - I tried to give them all 3 and they refused; so I have them on the shelf next to my pills so when I start to run low, I know.