Grumpy's cat is a goddess

The same sort of 'charity' ruined any chance of there being an African apparel industry. Bales and bales of donated cholthing is distributed all over Africa through many different charities. They start out as free at the distribution point and increase in cost as the clothing migrates outward. It is like the US food

So do you hold the head and chop the body off or hold the body and chop the head off? Inquiring minds want to know.

LW - it is too bad it took the news services days to get out of their passive tense 'miracles happen' stories and begin to mention the flight attendants' participation in the rescue of the passengers. Who knew how much training they went through!! I will certainly feel a little safer (but I won't take all the weight

Yeah, but it is days after the event so they did not get around to mentioning the heroes as active participants in the 'miracle' for days - as the OP stated it was all passive tense until today whereas it should have been 'heroes' help rescue hundreds while risking their own lives and health.

The first time I saw the HeatherSimon person whinge about other people I was sort of on HS's side then HS went on and on and on and on like this on the 2 threads I read and I can only suggest that HS do some research or go on to the next thread - no good can come from whingeing.

OMG - you're right, fucking boot camp memories! I got out in '69 so many of my memories are have a rosie glow to them - so much so that I did not even look to verify while I was looking at his medals - 8 different medals, with dupes his total was 16 - 5 navy crosses. The other force generals could not match him and

Wasn't that the year the Oscars could have nominated Dustin for Best Actress and Julie for Best Actor? Damn, they blew a really cool meme.

You are forcing me to look at myself. So, I was walking home from the Boren Street Disco on my way home on Capital Hill at about 1:30 am. There was this woman walking parallel with me across the street - it was dark and I worried that she might think I was a threat so I dawdled to let her get 'safely' ahead of me but

I was in the Marine Corps when 'Chesty' Puller was commandant - and he is a guy - (bad USMC joke punch-line 'and his brother Peter'). He won every single medal available to a serviceman except the Medal of Honor and many think that was because the Army generals didn't like the Marines.

Well, was it the things that he said that caused you to feel like garbage? If he was belittling you or trash-talking you down and you feel like garbage, then er - this does not bode well for you. If it is just the fact of the argument and not the content then woohoo! this was a good thing because you can have

I dated a black woman back in the early 1980s and I mentioned to her that I thought I was getting some weird looks (I am pretty damned vanilla). She laughed at me a bit and said watch how the black men look at her - OMG it was strange, what I thought was people looking at me askance was a lot of people giving her the

What is it about coconut milk that makes everything undescribably delicious? I just ate 2 bowls of rice with curried pork in it and I WANT MORE! I should know better but I think I am going to have another, gawd help me.

Now playing

How about the fight scene in The Great Race

Yeah, I worked off and on for farmers - I worked one summer with a guy named Pick-eye Pete (I learned not to look at him during a meal); we were walking the line, tensioning the barbed wire and replacing rotting post with metal using a mechanical post pounder (I forget the names of things - it's been 50 years).

I like the life insurance ad - kitty needs to be down a couple lives to be interested.

In the ancient past, I considered doing the same thing with post cards - mailing the cards to various friends around the world and have them start mailing them after I was gone. It was an intellectual puzzle on how to stay alive after death or hide a suicide - whichever.

I only eat Greek Gods honey yog(h)urt - though I did stray to blueberry when there is a sale on a different brand of Greed yogurt. Yes, I did read how my Greek yogurt is ruining the environment - I buy extra newspapers so I can recycle them as penance.

One time - only one time did I ever asked someone if she was pregnant; when she answered "no", there was no 'saving throw' - Even if she is pregnant, there is no gain and if she is not pregnant it is all loss. So why do something whose only upside is neutral, that is all downside.

Reminds me of the time I was in the wrong part of school at the wrong time of day and these 2 black guys sort of had me blocked - one of them said "what are you doing here N*r". I looked behind me, looked around and said "you gotta be talking to someone else". They laughed and said "Wow, a white guy with a sense of

I was lost for a moment - chewy impala - that did not compute, then 'dawn'