Help me out here: are you anti lizard-people or anti-lizard and people-craftsy?
What? What? Did they change the rules before I got my twenty two year old? Not fair. Can I get a 44 year old? 55? 66 - I like older women?
Oddly enough, my mother came from France, I was her second and a diaphragm-baby; my father died so she remarried and had a 3rd but stopped immediately after - and she was even Catholic. Take that Bush.
And dogs eat out of the cat box - what does that make them? A vet I go to says that cat poo smells and tastes better dog food - at least to dogs. My cat and I shared a house with a dog owner - I never had to clean the kitty box.
I do not have children in the home; I have 3 guns - a .22 semi-auto with a scope that I traded up for when I was 14, a Winchester model '66 centenial model that I bought on lay-a-way, and a .357 mag. revolver given to my as a christmas present. I don't have them locked up; mostly because I have never thought about it…
Laura, I love your posts but your avatar; there is something about the way your head seems like it has been moved a little too far to the left (but maybe that was a political decision. I love your grin so I just feel a little disconcerted but that is just me. Keep your post coming - this wedding is sweet but i would…
OMG! How did I miss that!? There is no way to apologize his way out of that #truth shit.
You got my attention with that first comment - glad I read the second one. (I secretly fear I might have yellow fever - but I hope it is just that the first person who caught my attention after my ex left was Chinese and I live in Seattle, shit - I'm not making sense, I'll stop now).
Yes, you could poke your eyes out on those boobs - er, that boob then you couldn't even see what was in her hand.
I don't know if he created created the phrase but my mom would quote Liberace saying "I cry all the way to the bank" when asked about the rumors he was 'that way'.
Hah, take a look at "Tampopo" a really cook foodie story that has diversions that include a gangster who takes his g.f. to a movie and has a meal.
OMG! Iforget how cute FLOTUS is until I see her bangs framing her face and those arms, oh those arms. sigh.
Early Saturday Night Live skit! Ending with the cook stabbing the waiter in the back with the bill attached.
I love the word 'cleave' since it means both sides of the same thing as in 'cleave one to the other' and 'cleave into pieces as with a cleaver'
Thank you for the reality check! When I turned 40 I knew I wanted to stick with people my own age or older - within a year I met my ex and we spent the next 23 years together. She is 14 years younger than me; she moved out a couple months ago. I went by the store today, went through her line, and you are correct - she…
I probably should not reply to my own replies but I think I probably should mention that all through high school I was a pass-out drunk; I would get so drunk that I would drive from the dance in Shelby the 50 miles back to Plentywood and have no memory of the trip. As 16 year old I got into a drinking contest with…
Do you have AdBlock plus turn on - I don't get any ads (sorry jezzie, I will donate soon to make up for it).
I was hoping to have a link to offer so I googled Japanese paper craft - er, I was overwhelmed. Give it a try. I remember back when I took an art survey course, the collage section was really cool, especially color on color (white on white, red on blue) experiments with crazy simple shapes - do the exact same shapes…
Well, people seem to think I have a drinking problem and they seem to think that my saying that I don't is a sure sign that I do. In fact back in the day (mid to late 80s) one of the counselors I was going to gave me the name of a counselor for me to see since our sessions were coming to an end. So I went to see her…