Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Thank you - I was hoping someone would do a nice parody of the stupid spams - I tried a couple things early-on but they did not catch on.

Are you responding to the ketchup bottle or having a bummer of an acid trip?

There was an armed guard at Columbine - he even shot the perps, see how much good it did?

Er, maybe you are stupid - she fell down and hit her head. Congress let Bush get away the death of thousands of US troops, Reagan got away with the death of 130 marines, yadda yadda. You need to read up on the word 'essentially' and the word 'murder' so you won't look so stupid when you post.

Well, it works on 2 levels - why would an insurance company want to provide insurance in a state where they are 'damned if they do and damned if the don't' - that would make no sense on any level. Another level is why would an insurance company that pays any attention to the mood of the country, want to pay for Viagra

We had a cat (Augie who lived, somehow, to the ripe old age of 19) who would eat any kibble that came out of bag. Our neighbors, who kept 2 German shepherds to guard their motorcycle repair yard/shop - yeah junkyard dogs, came over to tell us that they were sitting by the fire with the dogs at their feet when the

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Giving up on America is a quick way out of the world.

I think her side of the affair-thingy is that another military leader from Afghanistan sent her about 300 emails, she was the 'honorary' representative of S Korea, and she claimed honorary diplomatic immunity to try to get newsies off her lawn. The 300 emails are sometimes referenced as 2.000 pages but most of the

I used the government standard of 2080 work hours per year. I remember the number because of how easy it is to convert from hourly to yearly and back (I drop the 80 so I can do it in my head). I know that there is no place where there are that many $1,000 bills just laying around.

If it takes 2 seconds to pick up a $1000 bill that would be 18,000 per hour or 37,440,000 per year, so I think it would be worth his while to pick it up.

I bring rolled coins to my credit union every 4 month and they deposit it to my account no questions asked - sorry your bank is too big to take coins.

Well, I calculate the value of picking up a penny back when I was much younger - it took me one second to pick up the penny which works out to $36.00 per hour. The work is not steady but that is pretty good pay. Usually, someone like the guy down-thread will drop a bunch of pennies. I do not pick up all the pennies I

Sorry dude but Fix-a-Flat does no harm to the tire or to the tech — all that crap about how dangerous it is just crap. Read the contents list - nothing in it is flammable and no actual tire guy gives a crap if you use it or not. I know this from personal experience; I used a can then warned the guy when I had the

Just how would she 'split the Democrats'? You couldn't possibly think Dems would vote for her?

But he is great at parties - really, he was a member of Seattle Skeptics back when I was. I think Almost Live was still going strong so this must have been in the mid-80s before Disney screwed Bill out his chance at a national syndication.

Well, I did notice the cheekbones are shining too - does that count?

My kitteh is snoring on the back of my barcalounger/lazy boy - she rotates sleeping spots around the house; last week she slept on couch behind the (ex-) Mrs. Grumpy, next week she might be found in a hamper, on the bed, behind the books in the study. Fortunately, she is not a deep-space kitty.

Thank you - it all helps.

Thank you - every hug helps ::smiles.

Thanks, I am hanging on and beginning to process. I keep forgetting that it always helps to talk about it. As I have said in other replies, I am working on it. Currently we are friends and having our Duval friends down for T-day festivities.