Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I drink tequila and tonic in the summer; I used to drink tonic water all the time until I switched to sparkling water which I now make myself.

I was going to go there but was pretty sure someone would have beat me to it - sure enough, thanks. You do know that Preacher is being made into a movie?

That is not how it works; the routine is to distract completely so you can't respond in time to the hand in your pocket.

When we were in Buenos Aires, a friend was using his smart-phone, put it in his front pocket when a drunk came by and was about to throw up on him as they approached a stop. He tried to avoid the vomit only to find that someone sitting next to him took the phone from his pocket, passed it to a woman who got off at the

The judge needs to make sure that it is not a Bill of Attainder and to see if the prohibition against Bills of Attainder apply in the state as opposed to Federally. Not sure, as I have not looked at the judge's opinion

Basement kitty hides in plain sight.

I don't want to complain but your not knowing how to use a weapon is not the same as the weapon itself being worthless.

I do not know about women's clothing but there is a clothing company called Duluth that makes men's t-shirts 3-4 inches longer (they jokingly call it 'crack-spackle' - prevents plumber's crack). I tried their tees and that is all I wear now (I know I am a boring dresser but they are comfortable, come in about 15

On the other hand - I spent my youth chasing ginger women but then I was an airhead and had a collection of locks from strawberry blond to carrot red. When I ran across the collection a couple years ago, I blushed and tossed it out. I am probably still an airhead, I still have a thing for gingers but I no longer

"like the light from a dying cigar" there, did I fix it? Maybe I should not have gone there.

Dang! all I made was a beigeism - but I am sure with fiber, I can join the Brownists.

I think about the time they noticed that there is a bias in the feathers and if the feathers were fletched on the bias, the arrow would fly truer. I am pretty sure 'fletched' is not a word but you know what I mean.

Thank you for that quote - I am going to steal it for the appropriate occasion

Most people are not truly bilaterally symmetric; maybe your feet are not exactly the same size. Vis-a-vis your larger left boob - I had a similar discussion with a friend about her left boob and we came to the conclusion it might be due the way she carried her school-books; but that was 40 years ago and we both did a

Isn't this the plot of most RPGs and many FPSs? I remember all the things the Freeman had to do to get elevators to work and/or whatnot.

The entertainment world is overflowing with stories of people pitching and pitching and pitching something that is absolute crap. Telling them apart is problematic

You have never worked on a terminal to a main frame - you are probably too young.

With VISTA the 3-fingered salute brings up a list of options that includes choosing task manager. CTRL+SHIFT+ESC brings up the task manager without taking you out of your current process.

And most Pawn Shops don't mind the question "What can you do for me?" - they will start with "no sales tax" (about 8-9% here in Seattle), since I am not a haggler, I usually take that

I think they may have stopped in with Vatican 2 and the whole 'kinder gentler church' movement in the late 60s when they banned the latin mass