The real paradox is banning "Fahrenheit 451"
The real paradox is banning "Fahrenheit 451"
The Catholic church use to publish a monthly list of movies that were more than banned - they were condemned and you committed a mortal sin to see them. Unfortunately, "I Am Camera" is the only one I remember for the list. That movie is the basis for "Cabaret". Any one else old enough to remember the "C" list?
There are some controllers that vary the fan speed - the hotter the temp, the faster the fan. I also added slot fan next to my GPU to pull a little extra air out of the box.
I use FurMark for burn-in and testing my GPU; it will work you graphics pretty well.
I am pen positive - I find pens every where. I searched my house and of the 35 pens in mugs, jars, and cups I have 2 pilots, a Pentel, and a uniball. I guess I need to be more particular about what pens I pick up (I never pick up Bic Pens but I still have 5 of them). I take a handful of pens to my coffee shop every…
I never liked the crystal gravy.
I use something similar when fusing glass - we call it a stress-ometer and it is just 2 polarized lenses with their polarization at 90 degrees. The stresses in the glass at the interface of 2 different glasses increase with the increase in the difference in the coefficient of expansion. The greater the stress the…
Then what do you mean?
Yep, it was definitely my version of Aurora - I switched back to FF 15.0.1 and I have Kotaku back - thanks for the heads-up.
You met Mr. Ed?
Thanks for the suggestion - just did that and it did not help - I am using FF Aurora 17.0a2... I will load a different version of FF to see if that is the issue.
I keep thinking there is a spelling pattern to the end of the list but nope (well I tried to spell something with 2 of them and got distracted by a bright shiny object) - I spell words for my codes which eliminates one and zero but that is okay. I always try to get a phone # that spells something but.... My friend's…
Harlan Ellison was one of my favorite authors, I read all his work, I even read all the available 'Dangerous Visions' thingies - after I read "I have no mouth..." I was so repelled that I through everything I had of his in a trash bin - I had reels of tape of his speeches and interviews, some of the interviews were…
Yeah, there have been rumors about this cache for decades - the rumor has always been that De Beeres blackmailed the Russians with threats of devaluing the Russian diamonds by flooding the market with matching diamonds from their stockpile. The Russians and de Beeres signed trade deal in 1997. Aw well, pretty soon…
why does all the good stuff happen on FaceBook - I refuse to follow the crowd into that domain (and I am an olds and don't understand the point)
Yes but the really important question of the day is why doesn't the "SHOW ALL (Go Classic!)" work for me any more?
I think his/her user name is a hint at what he/she thinks is important
Most of us are now donating directly to Planned Parenthood; there is data to show that most of the 'shit' Komen was spouting was not particularly good for women, most of the donations were not actually spent on breast cancer related stuff (read what the top 4 execs were getting besides a large salary), et cetera.
I wasn't looking but... yeah, I saw that too, sweet - I guess.
No, actually it requires no faith. Every single time someone digs up a fossil evolution is tested and proved - the changes found in the skeletons found in different eras, and so on. Every time scientists in a lab work with virii, 'germs', and vaccines evolution is proven. Microbiology proves evolution. DNA shows…