#corrections - Watches, even stop watches, are machines.
#corrections - Watches, even stop watches, are machines.
Hmm, I just thought of using quotes from Jabberwocky or even "The Hunting of the Snark"
You could use the 2nd and 4th words of the question as the answer - or any algorithm you want that is consistent for you. Wow, I just realized I can do that myself - thanks for triggering a couple brain cells to fire.
But, but - isn't that the point? It is supposed to be a real hassle to get to an account you don't know the passwords to.
I think there is a noun or pronoun missing from your question and my question is:
I know I am jumping into this late but I grew knowing the quickest (barring purposely stupid acts like cutting your food on a granite counter) way to dull your knife to cut paper - but it is really kool to hold the blade on its balance and just let it slide through the paper.
Do you have the nerve to look? Can you stop after the first pic?
Wow - the 2 best eyes together at last! Love both your avatars
So, where do I buy a replacement flint? I bought one of these about 15 years ago for emergencies; I have been moving it from car to car; when I finally pulled it out to use - oops, no flint.
We are headed to Buenos Aires in September - any suggestions on interesting places to see/things to do?
I got bit by one of my cats like that - I had just moved into a house with another cat and we were planning a trip to my cabin in Montana. My cat was under my new house-mates bed making that really deep-throated moan/cry so I grabbed him and he clamped down on my hand. Having heard about cat-scratch fever (aka cat…
Been there doing that even as we speak - I just wish the pages would automatically 'go classic'.
Maybe he took too much of his medication and is telling us what he really thinks(?)s
Er, there would be no prosecutions or convictions if execution were the only punishment so I think your solution might not be workable (though I do not disagree with the sentiment).
When I was younger there were a series of one-liners call 'Tom Swifties' after all the damn adverbs that were used - Do I remind you of Venus de Milo she asked disarmingly? Who left the toilet seat down he asked peevishly? I told you not to ride the horse he nagged. I lost my crutches she said lamely. And so on
Thank you - I am going to save that link and bring it up at every opportunity.
Bravo! Thank you for a thoughtful response.
How would someone with concealed carry have helped? The madman with the AR-15 was the only one who knew what was going on and he was up-armored - head,body,arms,legs - it would only have pissed him off. If there were 2 guys with concealed carry, they would have been shooting each other cuz, shit, that guy had a gun.
Hey, it got you out of your stupor enough to rattle your keyboard - isn't that what they wanted?
Nah, more likely that there would be more dead - the shooter was armored - you know, vest, head, legs and arms - he would not have been killed. If 2 people in the theater were armed, they probably would have been shooting at each other because there is no way anyone but the original shooter would know what is…