Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Well, start using FireFox then get Kotaku Fix: Fox Edition 0.55 and then you are magically transported back to functional commenting of the by-gone glory days of Jez/gawk/et c.

And yet you are an holier than thou shithead kind of religious person - imagine that.

The easiest way to start in a small group is to say something like: You have a friend whose name begins with 'M'.. (watch closely while trying a couple of vowels) uh,, Mike/Michael - he has financial problems". Most everyone has a friend named Mike/Mary/Michelle and who does not have financial problems (or will

Yeah! That is why I had a waterbed for 35 years; a misplaced screw (no pun intended) blew out the bed and we finally bought one of those Sleep Number beds. Not as cool (not kool) but we got the 'old fogey' model with the leg and head adjustments.

Exactly! Now that I have FireFox setup like I want and have forgotten all the different things the add-ons, no way I am spend any time trying to adjust to another browser.

Muskovy duck - Mrs. Grumpy just brought me the gizzard, neck and heart - she gets to keep the liver; we are so well matched as we each love what the other doesn't.

Mmmmm - bacon.

Is there something I am missing here? What is it you are trying to say? Kibosh is an English word of unknown origins variously thought to be Arabic, Turkish even French but no mention of Yiddish which I realize is a form of High German and even if it was a Yiddish word, I can ken not the meaning of your post.??

Nope - Whoopie is one of ours (sorry - I had to). The only known right wing comedian was Dennis what's his face - he was funny on SNL; hell, he was even funny as a football commentator but he hasn't been funny since he went wing-nut.

Well, salt has about 400 mg of sodium per gram or 6000 mg per tablespoon and soy sauce has 1000 mg per tablespoon. But you sure don't need to add salt to anything with soy sauce.

WOW! Just wow. I first started drinking IPA because it was so bitter that I could only sip it and it would last me all night. Now I drink only IPA but 246 - I would drink at least one just to prove I could (and it would probably take me all night - so full circle).

Shouldn't you have included 'call' to balance 'well' drinks?

You forgot 'call' to go with 'well' drinks.

This is what I do. Every time some garlic starts to sprout - I take it out and plant it. This year I have so many 'volunteers' I am going to have plenty of garlic.

If you read the sodium content of a tablespoon of soy sauce - it almost contains more salt than a tablespoon of salt.

I use the '/=' when I can't fine '≠'.

I remember that article too - Mrs. Grumpy and I spend our Sundays reading the paper; here is one article on gut bacteria but not the most recent one:

Sorry dude but genetics are a binary operation - he can't be 1/trillionth Ethiopian - he has to be either 1/1073741824th or 1/536870912th Ethiopian (unless, of course, there are more Ethiopians in the woodpile - but then my joke would fall apart).

How do you figure that paying $37.00 for a shitty health plan is somehow 'universal' healthcare? How do you figure that one experience has any meaning in the real world?

On the other hand, I am ready to say that what we have now is shitty and expensive.