Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I use the fog and some newspaper to clean the mirror 2 problems solved.*

I really love that guy - now that I am older and not as jaded as I was in my youth. I had to watch his interview with Jeff Erlanger again - Jeff said there was no script, no rehearsal, he just came on the the show and they talked.

OMG!P: Do not forget that Eve was the second woman - first there was Lilith and that story is, at the very least, interesting.

Pretty simple - buy a CO2 tank (get the small tank that will fit on door under your sink) about $20; buy a regulator, about $30; various hoses and connectors, about $10; and you can use your old soda bottles. Don't use glass because no one wants to play with a grenade. Here is a link: []-%26-Home

Sometimes I think GrimJack is the most depressing comic universe and it wasn't even an alternate. But it is still my favorite comic. (Right up there with Billy Nguyen)

We called them Black snakes back in the era when Roman candles were still legal.

I think we all took that picture when we were in Paris.

I don't understand the allergic part but I agree with him on preferring sparkling water. Turns out we can taste carbonation (it is related to the 'umami' or savory taste). I make my own sparkling water with a tank of CO2. Here is a link to the science:

That picture must be in one of those 'fracking' states where the tapwater can burn.

I have one of those bundt cake pans where the center can be separated from the rim - I use it to make meatloaf in so I can get more crusty edges. I may try using it for chicken now.

Thanks! I was going to go there too, but you said it better - "no other God" is one of the Top Ten.

Actually it is an arc of a Great Circle which is not necessarily a straight line.

Hmph! This was called Male Answer Syndrome back in the '80s.

Do you remember that all the refrigerators/freezers of that period latched shut? There were at least 10 children a year who died because they would get into a fridge and not be able to get out. You can get in and survive the blast but you can't get out again.

Shout out for your shout out! I love their store front (and the work they do).

I remember a scene in one bad movie where the 'hero' is surrounded by bad guys and they all chamber a round, he says something calming and they lower their weapons. He insults them and they all chamber a round - this went on at least 5 times. I know the sound of a pump shotgun chambering a round is threatening but

Maybe because otherwise they would be cutting to the white people in the audience - maybe they wanted to show everyone in the audience. Granted there weren't many black people in the audience and the ones in the audience were moving much better. Seems like they spent a lot of time focusing on the women in the

I get nauseous when I think about how he lost some brain when he coughed - I picture him sitting in a chair on his porch, trying not to cough, with just a little brain leaking down into his eye.

Coffee beans out-gas for about 48 hours after roasting - about 40 times the volume of the beans. If you get your coffee that fresh, don't seal the bag too tightly.

Er,.. Montanan in Seattle, going on 40 years now so, maybe I should think about that who I am a bit.