I do so much lover her! She has a wonderful sense of humor, she parties (and drunk dials the president), AND she drives the right to hyperbolic, frothing extremes.
I do so much lover her! She has a wonderful sense of humor, she parties (and drunk dials the president), AND she drives the right to hyperbolic, frothing extremes.
Hearted! I was going to make a similar point using the various Articles of Secession like South Carolina's which joins its fellow 'slaveholding states' in its 3rd line or Mississippi's which waited until its 5th line before mentioning slavery and so on for Georgia and Texas
I actually got to drink beer with Bill Nye; we both belonged to the local humanist/atheist group - and, yes, drinking beer with Bill is as awesome as you imagine. I still curse Disney for screwing Bill over taking 'Bill Nye, Science Guy' national.
Blue is Oxide of Cobalt - use varying amounts of Tin Oxide (produces milk white) and you can get a full range of pastel blue. I can't find my copy of "Modern Pyrotechnics" so I am working from some books on glass-blowing. One of the Copper Oxides produces red. Gotta go - the more I look for colors, the deeper I get…
The 4th from the right is kind of like my cat - really, intensely interested nothing I can see.
Public Television has the Vime channel - that is in Spanish; they have Spanish subtitles when the show is in English.
Which one? They both seem to have crazy eyes.
The Catholics used to require that women wear scarves in church - scarves were put out in the entry for those who 'forgot'. Also please note that nuns' habits pretty much do the work of —- er, whatever those full-body, all-but-the-face garments some Muslim women wear.
I get the shivers when I think of this.
Don't forget to take apart everything in the dishwasher that you can and scrub it out. Most dishwashers have a 'whip-it' thingy that shreds most organic matter but it builds up in places. Also, some of the twig-like things never get pulverized.
Doesn't the word 'tedious' come from the phrase 'te deus'? - or is it 'tedium' from 'te deum'?
I was born and raised in Montana and have lived in Seattle for almost 40 years and the only thing I know about 'hot cross buns' is Lust's offer in that old British movie about innocent schmuck caught in a contest between god and devil - I can see everything about the movie in my head but can't remember the title; heck…
Costco was selling a bucket of freeze-dried meals for $100 - I bought one and looked in it, definitely emergency only stuff.
Ask what led up to the clog before flushing with boiling water - if the clog is wax from a candle, boiling water is not the answer.
Yes, I have used chop sticks for several projects from replacing some missing metal pieces from Ikea shelf kits to holding broken desk legs together.
@Scentless: thanks for that - That story was in my mind when I posted but all I could remember was the bathing in blood part. I was not even sure if I mis-remembered a childhood nightmare or some of the bizarre reading of my youth (in high school I read through 3 complete encyclopediae from A-Z). What is it with…
Good! I need a cite so I can understand what the situation is, what the standard of measure is, et c.
If she is un-white, then we are talking any Eurasian south and east of Germany is un-white.
Okay, you were shocked, shocked that women could commit evil but if you are going to say that they were 'proven' to be worse than men - I have to ask "Do you have a cite?" because, I have to call "bullshit".
Which half of the gal are you snuggling up with (up with which you are snuggling? curse the dang latins that had their own word for infinitives and danged effete intellectuals who forced god-fearing 'mericans to care)? and which of the Spice Girls was Pumpkin?