Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Congratulations and all that but where did you hear that a quiver only holds 5 arrows? A quiver is a bag designed to hold projectiles - some quivers held short throwing spears - the only limit I know about is being able to take an arrow out one at a time.

The story is that the script is changed live with the writers specifically trying to 'break' Hader. Sometimes you can see him watching the changes come like a train-wreck (humer-break) that he can barely manage but the 'hiding behind his hands' is so Stefon that it works.

I shudder every time I remember how popular that book was. A book with that title was needed because no one was talking to anyone about sex and the 'the pill' was a game changer. He is still listed as "a physician, noted sex expert and author "

Pick up the grapefruit and shake it up and down a bit - it should feel heavy for its size (this means it is juicy). As said down-thread the skin should be smooth with no pores. Peel the grapefruit and split it in half. Using a sharp paring knife split and pull off the membrane, notice that you can easily pry the

A bar of soap will do the same thing. I use it for wood-on-wood like windows and drawers - I showed the trick to my sister-in-law with her old kitchen drawers (who knew that even were metal built-in kitchen cabinets) on the farmette.

I remember opening a variable CD in the 80s - it was at about 12% at the Savings and Loan that was paying that. I paid for my vacation in Australia by regularly depositing my change (I never spend change - I sort it, wrap it, and take it in every couple months). But we all DO remember what happened to the Savings

The movie 'Freaks' has a scene with a man who has no arms and no legs rolling, lighting, and smoking a cigarette - that is bad ass.

Dr. Reuben wrote a book called "everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask"; he recommended Coke douches as a form of b.c. - gives you an idea of what sorts of hacks could write a book about sex in 1969.

You remove the flap? You must not be a guy - or you don't worry about 'tapping' the bowl with it.?!

"MO MONEY" - interesting choice of names - there is a national income tax chain with that name that has been shut down for absconding with almost all their clients refunds this year.

Every time I get a call from the Value Village truck-people that asks if I have anything to leave out for the truck that will be in the neighborhood - I say 'yes' and then find a bag of stuff to donate. It keeps me going through my stuff and I always seem to find something else for them to pick up.

But, but - this would ruin my 'genetic banana' trick:

They will have nice, sterile 'sleeves' so you won't have to touch them just like the gloves food-workers use (and the the a@@-gaskets on toilet seats).

I remember a SciFi short story about a time-traveling big-game hunter proudly walking towards his kill when he is jumped by fleas looking for a new host.

Arrgghhh! What did they do to that poor woman's belly button? I kind of looks like it was moved to the side

Thank you - you are a wonderful person. What a nice, cogent point well made.

But inertiak is wrong and so are you; the body is homeostatic and tends to maintains its current state. For most of its evolutionary history, the body has had to defend against weight loss so selection has been for bias in favor of regulatory systems that defend against deficits of body fat. There has been less

That seems to fit one of the 3 mentioned categories. What I would like to hear/see is something like "Xena is one hell of a female" whereas, the usage I normally run across is more like "don't start acting female". Two females and a male is statistical usage.

Oops - I changed topics without warning, the engine reference was actually to locomotives not to put-puts/speeders. As you are probably aware, the locomotives/engines weigh so much that the PSI load when the drive wheels slip creates enough friction to melt the steel rails.

Take it for what it is and let it go. Why the hell do you have to come up with something better to do? They did it for this little girl - you don't get to second guess their act of kindness. The possibilities of what else could have been done and for whom is limited only by your imagination and all you could think