Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Interesting thought - many of the things we did in our youth could easily now be considered more than just youthful hijinks. Evel Knievel grew up in Butte MT and could not go to the opening of the movie about him because there was still a warrant out for blowing up the jail. I never got into explosives - er, except

Let's see, I was walking from school, across the tracks and up the hill so i was about 9 years old (1957-8) - we were pretty wild kids. I still put nickels on tracks because they get squished pretty thin.

I have a sleep number bed and the air pump started leaking so I replaced it and now I have a spare air pump that can be controlled remotely - any suggestions on what I can use it for?

@jesse morrison: This is for you:

You have no idea what a load of crap you are spewing. The database that those cops were using are specifically designed for official use only and every time they log in they have to click on a 'yes' button to agree to the rules and regulations for the use. If they looked up anyone without an official reason, they

Me too! It is the first game in years that I paid full price for - heck, I pre-ordered for the bonus and Steam took it onto the cloud and I never actually got my bonus. Plus my system is so old I have to degrade the game and the damned font does not read at all well but it is still the most fun I have had in a long

When I was growing up in Livingston MT, there were modded station wagons that had the drop down 'trucks'. There were also small vehicles we called 'put-puts' but also called speeders, jiggers. We used to half-throw the switches to watch the put-puts fall over; we also use to put oil on the tracks on this really


You know that duck (or other fowl) fat is what kosher Jews use as schmalz; in fact, many Jewish restaurants keep a pitcher of schmalz on the table.

And yet he had to use the weasel-y "... and apologize to anybody who has taken offense." Just effing apologize, for gawd's sake.

Don't forget the egg salad sandwiches that were about 2 inches thick. "Wretched hive of scum and villainy and really great coffee" I hope you don't mind if I steal that line (but you must never have had the horrid coffee in those teapots). Did you know that those marble tables tops were once the urinal dividers

Of course money is a sham same as the value of gold. You should research the URV and how Brazil stopped its hyperinflation. People who thinks money should be backed by something like gold do not seem to realize that gold's value is a sham also. For one thing there is not enough gold in the world to back the world

If I remember correctly, in Argentina the workers were paid twice a day so that they could buy food before the prices doubled - but I think that is a sign of hyper inflation.

I have some of the German Weimar Republic bills also. My partner went to Viet Nam last year and brought back some pretty large denomination bills. She and her sister had a great time - Mrs. Grumpy even went down into one of the underground VC hidey holes.

If you have not heard of 'open jaws' flights, check them out. The first time I went to Europe on my own (the first first time was when I was 11 months old - my mom took me and my brother to Paris, I got drunk sitting on her lap, but that is another story), I booked a flight into Paris and out of London. This was way

Those meanies - about 6:30 "they can access our information but don't allow us to get to theirs" - oh, the horror of unidirectional hacking.

My dad was the executive VP of Plentywood State Bank when they had their 50th anniversary - I got to hold a $10,000 bill.

You know... I would pay a couple bucks for one of them, know where I can buy some?

A friend of mine hired some friends from the local coffee shop (The Last Exit on Brooklyn - lovingly known as the 'xit' - you have to be from Seattle to understand) put in a basement to her house. They lifted it up, dug out the foundation, poured the walls and lowered the house. They forgot to put doorways to the

When I came back from the Marine Corps, the first women I met lived in the "Barbizon home for girls" - a sort of dormitory for country girls just arriving in the big city (Billings MT pop 80k) - is this the same Barbizon?