Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Sorry, but I have not yet seen the word 'female' used in any other way than the 3 I pointed out. If you have samples of the word 'female' used in another way, please give me a link. I want to be disproved.

Thank you! that is what I was looking for when I stopped here - I have 'undo last closed tab' in my context menu - but have always wanted to be able to re-open window because, sometimes, they just disappear/go away and I want them back.

When I was moving an old wood "teacher's" desk up into a bedroom and the legs were 2 inches too long for us to get it into the room - no matter how we rotated it. Solution, we marked the 4 front legs with different patterns, drilled 2 holes 4 inches into each leg and then cut 2 inches off the legs. After we got the

Old bartender trick: pour the alcohol over the ice first then the mixer to prevent foaming; bartenders don't have time for 'pouring slower'

Agreed! We are flying to Argentina this year and have flown to Paris in the past (long, long ago, I flew to Australia) and it would make no sense at all to try for anything less than 2 weeks.

I remember hearing something 40 years ago: the word "female" is only used statistically, scientifically or derogatorily - nothing I have heard since disproves it.

I should sue for whiplash - both my sarcast-o-meter and aghast-o-meter both pegged at the same time.

Yeah, but the EU is actually mandating the chip and pin cards. The last time I was in Paris I had not problem using the ATMs. The 2 types of tech are not interchangeable; a chip and pin machine will not accept the mag-strip cards. With regard to point of sale machines, the merchants will have to have some sort of

I buy bulk popcorn that can be popped in a paper bag in the microwave and use good olive oil in place of butter to help the salt stick.

This is why Americans will probably not be able to travel the world; the rest of the world is moving to chip-and-pin cards and away from mag-strip card tech. They started in 2005 and call it 'smart card'. Since the American card system is so fraud prone, many merchants will demand to see your passport.

And yet you take the time out of your busy day to tell us this crap - you know, we really don't give a shit about your dislikes.

Yeah, I know. I'm a white guy and I have dated black women who aren't total knockouts, how is that relevant? And I still say she looks hot; and I am not surprised that a white guy is with a black woman, sorry I just don't get where this is going so 'never mind'.

I have 3 cards from Safeway that I got that way - it is kind of fun watching the clerks trying to 'personalize' the transaction by looking for my name on the receipt. In Raleigh, I use Bud J Weiser and Sadderbut Weiser.

How are her looks not relevant?

Yes they do - a friend of mine had to wait until she was 18 before she could get her knees replaced; she was in pain from age 9 to 18 - er, you weren't serious were you, never mind.

Surly Table (Sur la Table) is a local (to me) store; they have 6 month contracts on their unique items; which then appear in Target et al.

Hmm, why does it surprise you? She looks hot!

Okay, I will bite - which forms in particular did this CPA tell you were incorrect and would be updated in late February? <<**nothing I say or post is gospel according to the IRS**>> I will check with my supervisor but I am pretty sure I would have been notified about problems with forms. If anyone actually called

You should never use last years forms; the 2011 forms are currently available; any time you use last years forms with last years worksheets, they will not be correct. Refunds are already going out the door (and, unfortunately, there is a lot of id theft - 250,000 cases last year) and the IRS corrects 'math' errors

Make sure that the realtor you are working with is working for you; you may want a contract.