Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I tried seroquel for a few months but it has so many negative interactions with other drugs I had to go back to ambien. I am glad that you have success with seroquel - my sister uses it; her only complaint is that she gained a lot of weight while on it.

Well, he is not on any of our FCC (Fantasy Celebrity Cemetery) lists so I wouldn't notice (we have 2 hits so far, one person has 41 points (100 minus age at death + 5 points for first death of the year) and 4 have 27 points). I know it seems kind of ghoulish to participate in a death pool but it is not like we are

I suffered from insomnia for years before a doctor prescribed Ambien - it has been a lifesaver for me. I also have sleep apnea which I control with a CPAP; the apnea was diagnosed years before the insomnia.

Yeah, I tried on - I sleep very warm/hot and memory foam trapped heat; I had to move from spot to spot trying to keep cool. We are currently experimenting with satin sheets which seem to be cooler than cotton but the pillows slide off the bed all the time. A friend of mine reported that she went flying off the bed

I bought a kitchen timer and would take quick naps on my breaks and at lunch - more for the dreams than the sleep; I have really exciting dreams - action/adventure exciting with tinges of science fiction. The dreams are what I miss most now that I use ambien to get to sleep.

If it works for you, it is normal.

I am a stomach-sleeper with sleep apnea and insomnia; I sleep with a CPAP and ambien. I tried one of those memory foam pillows but it was too 'hot' so I sleep with a thin feather pillow. Like the sleeper up-thread, I sleep with one leg bent at the knees, one arm bent under my head and one arm by my side. I sleep

I sleep on my stomach - I don't think it will do much for me

I used to scotch tape the darkened hallway to the bathroom - people would really freaked out with the invisible sticky stuff. Then in the middle of a conversation, as I was talking, my voice would fade out though my mouth would still be sayin the words. I was kind of a prankster - fun times, fun times.

I was thinking the same thing - I have a cheap-assed Toshiba Satelite that cost about $400 on sale via Fryes Christmas of 07. I will gladly pay that price - but not until the one I have dies (I may spill something on it pretty soon).

I worked for a credit card bank in the '90s - I was able to get all the way into the computer room from outside the front door; bypassing all the codes and locks in seconds. The front door unlocked from the inside with a motion sensor (so people could get out) - I slipped a piece of wood between the doors and

#corrections: "for reasons you nor I can comprehend." the 'nor' needs a 'neither'

Make sure that there is not another apartment right outside of your window - back in the day, my neighbors could not open their windows in the summer because the drunken college kids in the building next door (and a couple floors up) would pee out the windows.

I was working at a restaurant where one of the day cooks sold me an oz or so of shrooms and I forgot them in the walk-in; a hostess found them and went all hysterical about 'drugs in the workplace'. When she wasn't looking, one of the night cooks grabbed them and cooked them into an omelet for himself - he said that

The really nice thing about liberty caps is they grow in your yard here in Seattle - the really bad thing about liberty caps growing in your yard is you get a yard-full of people like me. Liberty caps are the 3.2 beer of the magic mushroom world (anyone here remember 3.2 beer?). One year some twit was selling

Microwaves do not cook from the inside - just try heating a frozen lasagna, you can melt the outside edges and the center can still be frozen. The microwaves heat the water as it hits them and it hits the ones on the outside first.

But if you put a light bulb into a mircrowave - it will turn on, not particularly useful unless it is big enough to read in and that leads to 'other' problems.

Now playing

The first Volkswagen that the Troll caught was stolen - the newest one is completely cemented in and covered with concrete.

Now playing

I am surprised that no one mentioned "This Old Pyramid" so I will

Tax Free Municipal Bonds - they are tax exempt, they preserve principal, they can be insured, and they are pretty liquid. You can buy them in funds or direct.