
SOLVED. Why does a clock need to keep track of weeks? In order to support automatic DST adjustments which according to DST rules at the time occurred on the first Sunday in April. So in order to keep track of what day of the week it was it needed a week counter. the counter was probably stored as a signed integer, so

They debunked that it could happen accidentally, they did use a vacuum and a few dents to crush a tanker car.

If these trucks are doing more than 50% of the driving unloaded, the person doesn’t care about fuel economy. Good diesel engines have a thermal efficiency of 45% under load, all of the heavy duty trucks will have similar thermal efficiency so the only factors for mpg are gvw and drag. These factors are very specific

Seems like the diver of the red Chevy cruze failed to look ahead while driving and hit the back of a more attentive driver. Not really a victim in my eyes.

Recycling value is different than trade value. Anything with a tank of gas, oil, and some tyres is worth $50.

You always leave the truck in gear when you are this close, the sound of the engine also helps keep them at a distance. I was once almost charged head on by a rhino, but the guide just revved ave kept creeping forward which made the rhino back down.

But increasing NOx emissions the reduced CO2 emissions and used less fuel so they probably saved lives by reducing climate change in the long run. Nobody ever brings up the positives of the defeat device, the cars were more efficient at the cost of smog. Outside of very congested cities there really isn't a problem

I was offended you...

If I crank up my 2-stroke weed-whacker and chainsaw and do yard maintenance for a few days each year... I’ve likely polluted much more than a modern VW TDI pollutes in it’s lifetime. The current crisis is being reported as if VW was committing a significant crime against nature (pollution), when in fact the real crime

Competent CEOs are in high demand; if you tried to pay them less they would work somewhere else.

But does a battery leak flammable liquid? Fuel fires spread, battery fires don't.

The cool air is from the rest of your house. As long as the heat wave is brief the thermal mass of the house will retain a lower temperature than the outside.

Argon filled triple pane windows and foam insulation with an r value above 6 and even a small air conditioner could provide a 50 degree difference.

Maybe it’s some sort of towed measuring device, that could account for the small size. It could be used to track sea life and not anything spy related at all.

No need a regular umbrella or cardboard box is sufficient. Has to be the worst weapon ever, only useful against naked civilians in a field. Maybe disgruntled farmers working as slaves.

The pain ray only really works within a kilometer which is a bit low to be flying over armed combatants, this could only ever be used against civilians which makes me wonder where these people are, since in any urban environment would block line of site and it doesn't work through trees.

When I approach a red light I always stop two car lengths short and close the space as see the car behind me slow down, until I know you're going to stop I want enough space to get out of your way should you be the one texting.

Roof hinged doors are less safe than other kinds of doors, Volvo would never go there. Also you can see the roof line sans hinges. It may be that they have edited out the b pillar, and in fact it is there in the real version.

Better be a koenigsegg style door or else you will never find a big enough parking space to open it.