
Don’t think we’re completely impervious. When it’s not just a bus but three pillocks running people down and going on a stabbing and killing spree, we may briskly leave the area.

Now playing

It’s not that bad! Let’s hop on the train and take a look at this wonderful ci-oh.

It’s not even weird for Japan.

That’s like marrying a virgin then letting your best friend poke her so it won’t hurt so much when she cheats on you.

The link says 2.1 lbs not Kg.

Comfort is Russian.

What's amazing to me is that you're serious with that comment. There's these weird things called jokes, and the correct reaction to them is to maybe chuckle and then hit the little star button. The wrong thing to do is somehow be offended by what I said, which is truly the stupidest thing I've ever seen or heard

His real crime was shooting video in portrait.

wouldn’t it be the “an hero” button in this case?


Ashes to ashes.

If I crank up my 2-stroke weed-whacker and chainsaw and do yard maintenance for a few days each year... I’ve likely polluted much more than a modern VW TDI pollutes in it’s lifetime. The current crisis is being reported as if VW was committing a significant crime against nature (pollution), when in fact the real crime

I’ve been playing violent games since I was 10 when I got Doom for DOS. And I’ve only murdered like 3 people.

Man, it sure would be nice if you could buy direct from the factory at that factory pricing, rather than having to negotiate a higher price from a middle man who really ends up doing nothing for you other than trying to sell you rust proofing and paint protection packages.