A guy in my building drives one of these, it puts a smile on his face. I’d like it if it didn’t have a 4 speed gm automatic, talk about lag.
A guy in my building drives one of these, it puts a smile on his face. I’d like it if it didn’t have a 4 speed gm automatic, talk about lag.
with the accuracy of modern artillery I don't see how anybody fighting with computerized weapons would bother with a trench.
Talking about forced actions nothing is more frustrating than being unable to complete spec ops: the line without burning refugees alive. The developers just said you can put down the controller and that's your ending.
I'd have mine this way. The new buttons and knobs are not intuitive and take up good cupholder space.
Step 1: get a server in a country that does not cooperate with us warrants.
anyone notice the diver recording the crash runs the red light at the end?
In the unintended acceleration scenario that you mention I would not shut off the car, as I need my power steering. I'm more thinking of an electronics fault. Say the electric power steering fails, or the abs, esc system decides I'm losing traction because of a faulty wheel sensor and starts pulling the car to one…
If I'm going any speed and I need to turn the engine off due to malfunction, it better turn off.
it's like with some cars, like my old Chevy optra5 it seemed like nobody ever tested the ability for the wipers to actually remove water from the window above 40kmph. The two wipers would just past the water between them leaving a constant puddle on my window.
How is wiper performance tested? I find even with fresh blades some cars just have terrible wipers, while the old Mercedes single centre wiper never failed me.
it may not be super tightly sealed, but when you can simulate 300mph winds you can just suck harder than the door leaks.
that's because when looking for a Miata people often Google "the answer is always"
I feel like it's a co2 pistol, either paint ball or rubber bullets, but it does not seem to have the flash of a real gun. Not that pulling a fake gun in traffic is any less stupid.
your original comment did not make that clear, please don't ask if people have read the whole article before reading your own post. For most people here a racing setup is something you do to your car, not your living room.
why do need to adjust your seat while racing? After you've set it up for your height and car that is.
I challenge you to hear this theory out.
how far can you get before the constantly changing fonts are too much
Time cube?
Based on the way the wipers on my 2013 GLK 350 perform it was never in that "climate tunnel". Maybe 30 minutes of light snowfall and there is 8 inches of snow piled against the A pillar making the wiper streak the whole windshield. And at -30 C the heated washer fluid isn't warm enough to melt anything above 80 km/h…
Can we leave the military writing to Tyler please...