
Only point you supported was the one on the top of your noggin you conehead.

Do you love that headline pic of AOC as much as I do? I guarantee you she practiced that face.

I take no pride in being the only person to ever exist who can not only see the future but understand all its universal consequences.

The problem is that they were so close. They were on the verge of permanent victory. The plan was working, the frogs.. were still in the pot. Then something happened and they all jumped out and starting asking questions. “Why are you trying to boils us?” Now they are forced to skip ahead a few chapters and go straight

That sound you just heard? Wasn’t a sound at all. It was silence. Because this is a really bad point.

cgo is better. He doesn’t use swear words.

our taking

When people state facts, other people go nuts. Pelosi stated a fact, you guys are going nuts. Checkmake.

Pelosi isn’t the leader for nothing. Actually the fact you don’t like her means just that. Compromise means everyone doesn’t get everything they want so people like you will be unhappy. HOWEVER, it means we’re always moving the ball down the field and getting more, not all but more, of the stuff we want. You want

Wow. That’s really interesting.

I’m not here to convince you of what is happening, only to document that you have been told.

If AOC really wanted to make a statement that resonated she would also point out that Obama legalized propaganda in the United States for use on American citizens and also signed the NDAA which was the Patriot Act on steroids. Then she would make the case that “we” need to change. She doesn’t though because she has no

Nazis and 911. This comment has it all.

Easier way is to look up the first names of the engineering team.

DC Mayor has no idea what he’s talking about. He’s just like Buttigieg, except with a bigger and more complex city to run. South Bend? Laughable. Why is that guy aloud to run for president? Oh right because he’s expendable like all the other candidates. 

This problem exists on both sides of the isle, ok? Not just Trump. Let’s be fair about this.

Suit? His head looks like Spitzer’s head photoshopped onto someone else.

I’ve followed her since she was announced as Scott Brown’s challenger.


No,he got fired for telling the team to “right the ship” after a horrible start which he insinuated was due to lazy, careless players and management.