
Wait till they start finding the bodies.

Unless he poses a danger to the public, he should be afforded the opportunity of bail. Everyone should, no exceptions. 

Yeah commies love to talk shit about economic warfare.  The great thing is, they’re only good at committing it on the people forced to live under communism.  Remind me again why the Berlin wall was built?  Surely to keep Westerners out of the paradise that was East Germany!

When the great annals of history are written, surely they will look to the long-lost Splinter comment section to declare, “Tomato was right all along.”

You know what else is fun about immigration and asylum law? There’s no asylum for purely economic reasons. Everyone gets the charade here, to the point that lots of asylum seekers are saying the exact same words, almost like they were coached.


You show you’ve learned nothing from the 2016 election.

On a related note, I ate at Jerry Remy’s restaurant in Logan Airport a few weeks ago. I had a steak and veggies. It was just okay.

Umm.... to my fellow Gawker refugees: Perot stole votes from Bush, not Clinton.

as a side note released information by the FBI on shutting down child predator rings online did note that blackmail was pretty common tactic to invite people into these things. It was done to ensure that if someone talked that there was evidence to burn them and keep them silent.

well... that too.

It is entirely possible to be good at investment banking AND being a blackmailer, you guys.

It is palpable. Nicely put.

If Warren gets the nomination, Trump will win. If Biden gets the nomination, Trump will win. If anyone but Bernie gets it, Trump will win.

Funny note, during the first Bush admin. Mueller wrote the legal arguments that were used to justify what we now call extraordinary rendition. He also appeared in front of the commity that was trying to decide what to modify in the patriot act and argued that it needed to be expanded,because we were only weeks or

Biden is the only candidate that can beat Trump.  Just look at the latest poll data.  Trump vs. a socialist is a guaranteed Trump victory. 

she already showed us what she was made of, both metaphorically and literally, by triumphantly proclaiming that ACTUALLY she is 1/1054th Native American, and so there’s no way Trump can call her Pocahontas anymore.