
Thanks. You have to love yourself before you can love others, including ideological opponents. Once you’ve found that it becomes easy to target and annihilate hubris. 

Unfortunately it’s just not that easy anymore, for all the reasons you cite and more. Bad ideas that have no business spreading somehow do. It’s a problem. For as much as we want to ring our hands about Russian interference in the 2016 election the simple fact is that millions of people did go out and vote for Donald

For one throb of the artery,

Working for me just fine. Maybe check the URL?

This is a nasty truth that we have to confront before it’s too late. Freedom of speech is a well intended ideal but one that is getting more and more difficult to observe without limitations in our ultra-connected world. Some ideas are just plain bad. Some ideas are just plain wrong. Sometimes these sorts of ideas

This is good bait. Upvoted.

if we are to have any hope of avoiding the worst impacts, we must act now.

Supply and Demand don’t factor in to decisions that are not made to affect immediate profitability. Some decisions are made for long term purposes, financial and social.

Grand Solar Minimum strikes again.

I KNEW someone would go after his haircut. Honestly that’s the only reason I even came to these comments section because I KNEW that you people would immediately make this all about looks. It’s really hypocritical it really is. This is about a woman not being aloud to travel with a political candidate because of how

Now playing

Call it whatever you want. Constitutional crisis, fascism, pre-hell, authoritarianism, dictatorship, mean question syndrome... doesn’t matter. The fact is that the government deserves to know who is a citizen and who is not. It’s laughable to be against this.

In all seriousness, I hope he remains president until at least 2030.

Now THIS sounds like a man afraid of the Epstein investigation.

Welcome to the game.

He should be laughing. And good for him for having the guts to let out some laughs at his ridiculous band of opponents. As a Trump supporter I can tell you that he is the only candidate on the left that sends chills down my spine. I think he would have won in 2016 had the DNC not rigged the primary against him. I

I just think it’s really tasteless to use something like this to attack a president you don’t like.

As well he shouldn’t. He did what he thought was right at the time with the limited information available to him. Let’s be fair about this one. This is about justice, not about left versus right. We need to find out exactly what role the Clintons played in this as well.

A good rule of thumb is “Cats are not companions.”

I knew it. This site caters to 50 and 60 year olds.