
What exactly are the bathroom laws in North Carolina these days? Long ago there was great outrage about this issue but you hear nothing about that anymore. In fact, you hear so little about the North Carolina bathroom laws that it’s nearly impossible to tell what they are. So that’s the question. What are the bathroom

As a Trump supporter I must admit that this scares me quite a bit. This seems like another witch hunt. The first one didn’t work, so now they’re re-prosecuting one of Trump’s friends in order to get at Trump. It doesn’t seem legal, but that hasn’t stopped them before. The Deep State has gone too far this time.

Bernie is a third party candidate too. 

The Allies weren’t really all that allied. America never would have entered the war if Japan didn’t strike Pearl Harbor. Outside of that WWII was just a regional conflict.

I’m not sure why you’re arguing on Epstein and his accomplices’ behalf but it sure is weird.

Rather than make this thread longer, how about we both take a moment to understand who exactly is likely on tape at Epstein’s properties. Presidents and other politicians, figureheads in media and business, and other focal points of power. It doesn’t take a genius to realize these tapes could be used to steer their

I get the same feeling from Elizabeth Warren. She’s a product of, well lies foremost, but also of elite academia and high society. She says all the right things but, it just doesn’t seem genuine. I feel like she’s trying to take me for a fool.

Not with that haircut she won’t.

Why do you need to make this more fantastical than it is?

That, or he ran an internationally funded blackmail facility under the cover of running money.

True, but why wasn’t the FBI involved in a multi-state human trafficking case? Acosta can go directly to jail for all I care. Also, Phish is right wing. Like extremely right wing. Read Tom Marshall’s lyrics very carefully... it’s too far. Too far to the right wing of things. Dangerous stuff.


Hey there, Splinter News Resource is for polite discussion only. I have just flagged your comment and a team of moderators will be reviewing it shortly.

1) How did a high school math teacher get picked by Bear Stearns to become an investment banker? How did he get funded with billions to run money thereafter? How did some random dork high school teacher become a billionaire funded by other billionaires?

Is your assessment based on television ratings or that every media outlet covered them because of that woman’s insensitive rhetoric about the president of the United States?

They would get paid as much as the men if they generated as much interest as the men. Even with incredible media support due to their anti-Trump rhetoric they don’t. Those are just the facts.

Arguing obvious truths is a waste of time designed for the unintelligent.

Every climate abnormality and anomaly used by pro-tax activists is due to the Grand Solar Minimum. Global Warming is an obvious lie. The globe is not warming. Therefore we now have... Climate Change - the broadening of this lie.

dudebra, that incel... is me.

Robert Mueller led the FBI when Epstein was given his secretly-negotiated sweetheart sentencing. He also approved the sale of 30% of America’s Uranium to Russia which netted the Clintons several million dollars.