
There’s a theory floating around this has to do with the 1936 throwback jerseys they wore on Sunday. (Black players were still banned in ‘36) Last week, there were some seemingly innocuous comments from Nagy about the “lively discussion” going on in the locker room about the jerseys. It’s bizarre, but possible, Smith

Sounds like perfect weather for a prestigious quadrennial soccer tournament!

This is not libel. Thanks for stopping by, Mr. Ingram.

Dude had an ongoing system of blatant cheating to the extent he was coordinating that cheating over text messages with team employees. When caught, he cheated again by destroying the evidence and then had the nerve to claim offense at being asked to provide his phone, which everyone already knew contained evidence of

Whenever I hear/read someone complain about identity politics, it’s code for “I don’t care about anything save for white identity politics.”

Referring to someone as a "whatever" is a classy way to cap off that argument. Ridiculous. 

If he did what he is accused of, then he is simply a criminal. What kind of help does he need? Do you think that every criminal needs ‘help’? What kind of help does a bank robber need? Do you think that a bank robber doesn’t simply know about the possibility of taking on an honest job, instead of being a career

I think you missed the point of my post. Try re-reading it.

“about done”

Brown being an asshole does not make the Raiders competent.

If Vazquez had, say, murdered a man, would Archer have said “I have a father so this really hits home”?

There’s not a lot we can say. I do have a 14-year-old sister. So, it’s something that hits home. In the U.S., you’re innocent until proven guilty. So until due process is completely played out, we’re hoping that this stuff’s not true.

He knows. He has a 14 year old sister after all. I’m worried about all of those grown men out there who don’t have 14 year old sisters, and thus have no way of knowing that grown men raping children is bad.

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really,” per the court record.

A wiser man than I summed him up best- Gladwell writes books for people who don’t read books.

Shut the fuck up with this nonsense.

Admittedly, there’s a lot going on in this article, and it reads to me like more of a collection of loosely connected thoughts around a particularly complex issue, rather than a straightforward identification of a problem with a clearly articulated solution. But even in that context, you have made no effort


The idea that someone in 2019 believes that justice in a rape case is only served by prosecutors and police officers, the two groups of people who have consistently made it so painful for women to report a rape that most of them simply don’t . . . man that’s something.

This is wrong in two ways. There’s no “instead of” because you can do either or both. It’s also wrong because civil courts ARE part of the justice system. Indeed, private claims are the most common way people seek redress when they are wronged by another person.

Yes, disputes are usually resolved before people reach a